Chapter 20 (Final)

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- Zack, arise from your slumber - I commanded, shaking him gently to rouse him.

- Just five more minutes... - he implored, his words muffled by drowsiness.

- I specifically instructed you to wake up! - I asserted, treading upon his injured belly.

- Damn it, fuck! - he exclaimed, wincing in pain. - What was that for?

- Here - I handed him a basic hygiene kit, while I busily prepared our belongings. - Hasten! We must catch a train within the hour.

- A train? To where? - he inquired, still contending with discomfort.

- First! - I paused, ceasing my hurried movements - talk to me while you get ready. Second, we are crossing the border first, and then we'll figure out the next steps.

   Reluctantly, he complied with my request. Within thirty minutes, we were outside the hoot, scouring the area for a suitable vehicle to appropriate for our transportation to the station. Once there, we stealthily infiltrated one of the freight cars, cleverly camouflaged amidst the weighty cargo. Enveloped within this clandestine refuge, we beseeched fate for a prosperous outcome.

- Couldn't we have taken a more conventional approach and boarded a flight with these passports? - Zack whispered, diligently ensuring our conversation remained discreet.

- You mustn't forget, Zack, that there aren't many people bandaged up like you in the world. We would have been discovered immediately. These passports only hold sway in the countries you mentioned yesterday - I responded in an equally subdued tone.

- Damn, what a mess... - he muttered under his breath.

   After enduring grueling hours of cramped and uncomfortable travel, we found ourselves switching between various modes of transportation multiple times. Each transfer added to our sense of urgency, as we were acutely aware of the need to remain undetected. It was a delicate balance, especially with Zack's impulsive nature always threatening to draw unwanted attention. However, despite the challenges, we managed to navigate the treacherous journey with caution and stealth.

   During our final stop, we stumbled upon an obstacle—a formidable metal fence separating the two sides. Its imposing structure seemed insurmountable at first glance. But luck was on our side as we discovered a small defect in the wire mesh, barely visible to the naked eye. With a mix of determination and adrenaline-fueled focus, we squeezed through the minuscule opening one at a time, careful not to make any noise or create any suspicious movement.

   Emerging on the other side, we found ourselves in a barren landscape, surrounded by a thicket of trees that concealed us from prying eyes. An overwhelming sense of relief washed over us, and we couldn't contain our excitement. We embraced one another tightly, our hearts filled with joy and a sense of accomplishment. It was a fleeting moment of respite, a brief interlude before we had to face the realities of our new lives.

   Zack's exuberance, however, quickly resurfaced as he began to contemplate the next step in our journey. 

- Great! First thing's first, let's find a scythe! - he proclaimed, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

I couldn't help but interject, tugging at his coat to bring him back to reality.

- What do you think you're doing? Normal people don't carry scythes, so neither will you.

His face fell momentarily, a testament to the conflict between his desire for excitement and the necessity of discretion.

- Normal people are boring...

- That's what you chose -  I asserted. - Now come on, let's get on with our lives.

   Weeks turned into months, and gradually, our lives took shape. We found jobs, acquired a spacious house that accommodated our needs, and even forged new friendships within the community. However, as time went on, the restless spirit within Zack grew harder to suppress. The yearning for excitement, for a taste of the extraordinary, began to weigh heavily on him. Late-night discussions turned into debates, as we deliberated over whether we should deny our true selves or embrace the undeniable desires that simmered beneath the surface.

   And so, on this particular evening, as the moon cast its ethereal glow upon our shared home, Zack's mischievous gaze met mine. In that moment I became aware that the choice was made.

- So, who's the unfortunate one today, Zack? - I quizzed.

- That motherfucker of our boss, Maha. It's time for a little payback - he replied - Let's go.

Until we meet again - (Zack x reader)Where stories live. Discover now