Chapter 3

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A figure stood in the doorway of the room, contemplating the situation. 

- You thought she was Mahina? - he questioned, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and giggles.

- Oh, no. I became so wrapped up in the conversation that I forgot to keep an eye on you - I heard Danny grumble as he realized his mistake.

   As I turned my gaze towards the doorway, I saw him—Isaac Foster. Danny, recognizing Isaac's presence, immediately assumed a defensive stance. I attempted to move, desperate to escape the confines of my restraints, but the shackles and the effects of the anesthesia held me captive.

Isaac, his anger directed squarely at Danny, barked:

- I don't enjoy repeating myself, you little shit!

- I am not Mahina! - I screamed, shattering the tension that engulfed the room. - I don't remember my name, but I can assure you that I am not Mahina! If I were, Isaac would remember me. Then release me, goddammit!

   Isaac and I shared a moment of confusion, trying to make sense of the situation, when suddenly Danny erupted into uncontrollable, maniacal laughter. Yet, the man with the scythe had reached his limit with these baffling events and, driven by impatience, swiftly swung his weapon, cleaving Danny in two.

   To my surprise, Danny's demise had not occurred in that moment. He still possessed enough time to utter his farewell words, albeit feeble and strained:

- You two... haven't changed... at all. You're still... the same wretched beings... as before! Even after... everything I've sacrificed, you... still chose to betray me! But I will return... and utterly annihilate you... once again!

   With his final breath exhaled, he collapsed to the ground, leaving splatters of blood staining the surroundings, which made my stomach churn. Gradually, the effects of the sedation began to wear off, granting me greater freedom of movement in my limbs.

   Although it proved challenging to reach the table of instruments, let alone the restraints, I managed to access the bag I had been wearing. Using my teeth, I unzipped the bag, causing the pocket knife to fall onto my face due to the pull of gravity. Nibbling on the handle of the knife, I attempted to rupture the strings with the blade.

   Isaac, growing impatient with the slow progress of freeing myself, eventually volunteered to expedite the task. However, I resented their actions, as I desired to demonstrate my self-sufficiency, independent of his physical prowess. Despite recognizing my somber countenance, the young man chose to ignore it, undoing the ropes that bound my wrists and legs to drag me away from the operating table. 

- I can manage on my own! - I exclaimed, feeling agitated.

- I couldn't care less about your theatrics. Move yourself toward the exit! - he commanded, striding away with an air of weariness etched upon his face.

   With each step I took, my legs tingled with numbness. It was utterly humiliating to display such vulnerability before him. I despised being so exposed in his presence.

- Tch! What a waste of time! - he muttered in exasperation.

   In a surprising turn, he offered me a piggyback ride until I fully regained my strength, but I staunchly refused, consumed by indignation. My obstinance tested his patience, evident in the sidelong glance he cast my way.

- Fine! I apologize... - I finally acquiesced, feeling mortified to comply with his proposition.

   I then requested to view the CCTV footage, in order to ascertain the location of the next elevator. Together, in the most awkward of circumstances, we traversed the entire route, making little conversation. The discomfort was palpable, making it challenging for me to muster any words until he broke the silence. However, even his attempt at initiating conversation proved arduous, as he too seemed ill at ease. Perched on his back, I couldn't help but notice the surprisingly muscular physique beneath his slender frame. I attempted to discreetly absorb this observation, but my efforts failed miserably, evidenced by his subsequent reaction.

- I'm not a freaking anti-stress ball, damn it!

- What do you mean? I was only propping myself up so I wouldn't fall over. Your impatience brought this upon yourself.

- Tch, whatever you say! Just make the effort to get back to normality permanently! I'm not only referring to your strength deficit!

- Excuse me? If my anger is bothering you, I'm sorry. - I retorted, my tone inadvertently more confrontational than intended. - In the span of an hour, I came perilously close to death three times, a significant part of which was due to you! Do you want me to be happy? Oh no, that seems to drive you to madness! Once again, the blame falls upon you!

 - Are you sure you don't know Maha? Right now, you remind me a lot of her! - he muttered, irritated - Aish, I hadn't even envisaged finding someone as temperamental as she.

- Looking back, I find his words amusing! - I declared. - Mahina is involved with you, so it is inconceivable for me to be her. I could never engage with someone like you!

- Huh!? What does that even mean?

- Isn't it evident? We are fundamentally incompatible. All you do is threaten my life, control me through fear, or provoke me. It wouldn't be a healthy relationship, and even between the two of you, I have my suspicions. Are you genuinely convinced that she loves you, or have you simply inflicted so much terror on her that she can't leave?

- Oi! Keep your mouth shut, you filthy scumbag! - he exclaimed vehemently, abruptly releasing his grip on me. -  She's the only one who can reach my human side, so all you'll gain is the beast in me. Deal with it!

- That's so dumb, buddy... - I cringed - but primitives like you only function that way.

   I rose to my feet and proceeded towards the elevator, conveniently positioned ahead of us. I observed it intently and realized that I needed to return to the office, as I lacked the key. I informed Isaac and limped discreetly all the way there, and on the way back, I gradually retreived my stride, clutching on a blood-stained key. I had discovered it within the pocket of Danny's pharmacist coat. Once inside the elevator, which seemed to be moving of its own accord, we descended from floor B5 to B4.

- So, Isaac...

- Call me Zack.

- Zack, what happened before you lost track of her?

- I can't recall much. We became trapped in this facility a few days ago and attempted to find one another, yet we were once again separated by someone.

- And who might that have been?

- Tch, that doesn't matter - he replied, seemingly uncomfortable for no apparent reason.

- Your memory appears to be quite faulty, doesn't it? Nonetheless, can you confirm whether June 12th was that day?

Until we meet again - (Zack x reader)Where stories live. Discover now