Chapter 20: Felton first kill

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As the ninth day of the Games dawns upon the remaining tributes, the tension in the arena reaches its peak. The alliances formed in the early stages of the competition have begun to fracture, and the once-solid bonds between the tributes have turned into mistrust and suspicion. Felton Olsen from District 5, a cunning and resourceful competitor, has set his sights on Alexis Salinas from District 11, who has proven to be a formidable adversary. With a weapon from a recent supply drop, Felton devises a plan to eliminate Alexis and secure his own survival.

Felton, having carefully observed Alexis's movements and capabilities over the past few days, knows that a direct confrontation would be risky. He needs to catch her off guard and exploit her weaknesses to ensure his victory. As night falls, he hatches a plan to deceive Alexis and use the supply drop weapon to his advantage.

Earlier that day, the Gamemakers had dropped a package in a specific location within the arena. The tributes had been alerted to its presence, and the race to claim its contents had been intense. Felton, however, had cunningly positioned himself nearby, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

Under the cover of darkness, Felton quietly moves toward the supply drop location, making sure to evade any potential traps or surveillance. With his heart pounding in his chest, he retrieves the weapon—a razor-sharp, double-edged knife. Its lethal gleam promises him a chance at victory.

Now armed with the perfect tool for his plan, Felton carefully conceals the knife and heads toward a small clearing where he knows Alexis has taken refuge for the night. He moves with the stealth of a predator, silently navigating through the dense underbrush and shadows.

As he reaches the outskirts of the clearing, Felton spots Alexis resting against a large tree. Her eyes flicker with exhaustion, a testament to the demanding nature of the Games. Seizing the opportunity, Felton decides to strike when she is most vulnerable.

With a deep breath to steady his nerves, Felton steps forward, deliberately snapping a twig underfoot to gain Alexis's attention. Startled, she jolts upright, her senses on high alert. However, the darkness masks Felton's presence, leaving her unsure of the threat's origin.

Felton speaks, his voice carefully modulated to project a sense of urgency mixed with fear. "Alexis, there's something out there! I saw a figure lurking in the shadows. We need to stick together for our safety."

Although initially suspicious, Alexis's weariness and the mention of a potential danger convince her to consider Felton's proposal. She cautiously rises to her feet and retrieves her own weapon, a slender bow with a limited supply of arrows. Trusting Felton's words, she chooses to ally with him for the time being.

Together, they venture deeper into the night-shrouded forest, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. Unbeknownst to Alexis, Felton has positioned himself behind her, the supply drop weapon concealed within his grasp.

As they walk, Felton skillfully steers Alexis toward a secluded spot, a clearing where the shadows cast by the moonlight provide ample cover. He senses the right moment drawing near, where he can strike without giving Alexis a chance to retaliate.

With every step, Felton's pulse quickens. The time has come to seize victory or face imminent defeat. His grip tightens around the weapon as he takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for what is to come.

As they reach the center of the clearing, Alexis hesitates, her instincts alerting her to an imminent danger. She turns to face Felton, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. But before she can react, Felton

swiftly unveils the knife and lunges toward her.

Caught off guard, Alexis attempts to defend herself, but her reflexes prove insufficient against Felton's premeditated attack. The double-edged blade finds its mark, striking true and silencing Alexis's last desperate cry. She collapses to the ground, life slipping away from her.

Felton, his face contorted with a mix of triumph and remorse, stands over Alexis's lifeless body. He wipes the bloodstained knife on her clothing, concealing the evidence of his betrayal. The realization of what he has done begins to sink in, the weight of his actions heavy upon his shoulders.

Though the victory brings him one step closer to survival, Felton's triumph is tainted by the knowledge that he has taken another life. The Games have transformed him into a ruthless competitor, willing to do whatever it takes to ensure his own survival.

As the ninth day of the Games comes to an end, Felton retreats from the clearing, the darkness of the arena swallowing him whole. He carries with him the burden of his actions, a reminder of the harrowing choices made in the name of survival in a world designed for death.

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