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100th year of being captain

This is boring. Yes, I have a "great" life but still. Nothing fun happens here. I wish anything could happen. Well not anything. Where is Mccrea? He is supposed to be down here by now-


That's something. I moved my handle and opened up a hole in the floor and lowered myself in.
"Yes sir?"
"Look." Mccrea pointing to the caution signs everywhere.

                                            Caution- If you see these people, report to go4 or a security bot immediately
The people were brown haired and had black clothing and masks on. The also had bats, guns, and knives with "Down with autopilot!" On it. They had pictures of me with x marks over the picture.

"Auto, we need to hide you." I turned to captain. "No sir." I said. I mean, how will the axiom survive without me? I am the steering wheel. "Sir, I am the steering wheel." "I don't care auto. They are probably going to try to...." I feel bad for the guy.
I really do, but this is just insane.

"Auto. I will turn you off." Oh fuck no. "Negative." "Then hide." I really can't get out of this one can I? " Affirmative captain."

Mccrea POV-  This is terrific. Just great. My best friend and the one who has practically raised me is going to get assassinated. No, don't think that. Everything will be ok. Ok. Ok. "Auto, I want you to hide in the- wait nvm.." I totally forgot! Auto can't fully move anywhere in my room, only upstairs he can move much more freely . Damn it.

"Sir, you look distressed. May I help-"  "No auto no. I am ok. Just...ok? Look I want you to hide next to the display case." It is risky, but he can open a hole to go upstairs quickly in that spot. "Aye Aye sir." He went back up and came back down next to the display case.

Auto then turned the lights off. "Sir, you should hide." I nodded and went to a chair. I got off my captains chair and crawled behind the other chair. Auto got into a position to quickly get out of there if needed. Me however....that's a different story.

Hours it felt like. Just sitting here. My ass is starting to hurt.

Banging. I can hear banging.....stay calm...everything will be ok.
The ship is Auto... he needs to fix this....

Just as auto made the ship level the elevator doors opened.

"Oh autopilottttt......come outttttt."
I looked over to see auto almost shaking from being still for such a long time. Then I heard a beep. They looked over to the display case.
They started to walk over. Auto please go up....

Right when they were about to stab auto, he shot straight up.

"THERE HE IS, LETS GO." The other nodded.
I started to slowly clime out. I grabbed a small knife and threw it at the shorter person and they fell. My aiming was not the best so it only hit their leg.

"Captain? Was that you?" He got up quickly and turned to the chair. He walked over and pulled the chair away, but I was already on the next floor. I looked up to see that auto had pulled me up. He threw me under the desk. As he dogged the knife that was coming straight at him. "Auto!"

My 2nd guy walked out of the elevator and got his knife ready and threw it right at auto who was trying to tase the tall person. "AUTO!" I yelled out but before I knew it, I met face to face with oil. I wiped it off and saw that the knife hit auto on the side. The tall one yanked the knife out and oil dripped down from his side.

I started to crawl to auto when I got dragged into the elevator. "Trust me captain. We will be better without him." I was about to punch him when he closed the door.  This can't be happening......
Tears started to drip down my face. I tried looking out to see if I can spot auto but he is nowhere.

Third person pov- Auto managed to tase the 2nd guy while he was bleeding out of his leg. One down. One to go. "I have had enough of this." They grabbed the bat and held auto down. They were about to hit him when they realized auto was calling his son Go4. "Oh no you don't." The person lifted their bat and hit auto. Oil splattered everywhere. They hit him again and again. Black oil pouring out. They threw the bat, took their gun and pointed it right above his fading eye and pulled the trigger. " directive......" and he shut down.

Mccrea was in the corner of the elevator when he heard a gunshot. He grabbed his hat and threw it aside and punched threw the glass. Go4 appeared and then approached the tall person and held them still. 2 security bots took the person out of the room. 2 more came and grabbed the unconscious person, dragging them out.

Go4 then "sat" down next to auto, who was soaking in oil. He gave out a little beep and then ran out the door probably to get a nurse/repair bot.

Captain quickly crawled to auto and picked him up. Tears falling down his face. He looked at the "dead" auto that had clearly got shot, stabbed, hit with a bat maybe 10 times, eye lens very cracked, taser falling off and, had been disconnected from the ceiling, his main source of energy.

" please...." Mccrea hugged the broken auto to his chest. Go4 came back with a bed, 10 guards and a repair bot. One guard bot gave him his chair so he could sit down. Mccrea flopped down and put auto in the bed. The bed sheets soaked up tons of oil from auto. "We need to hurry. The ship is going to tip." The bots beeped and rushed into the elevator followed by captain.

2 weeks later.

The captain has been good about keeping the ship leveled, with the help of the passengers leveling their weight. Today the captain was extremely happy. He would get to see auto! It's been weeks since auto was attacked. The 2 people who tried to kill auto are now in jail for life. The captain had just finished morning announcements when go4 came out of the elevator.

"Go4-" right when he turned around auto came out, with just a few bandages.

"AUTO!" Mccrea yelled running and hugging auto while tearing up. He was 100% sure that auto was hugging him back.
"Hello sir." He said in his classic voice. Captain smiled. "Hello auto.."

  (OLD)The Captains and AUTOs Adventures Where stories live. Discover now