Chapter 18

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Caspar's POV

My hands turn into fists that slowly touch my desk as I lean forward to face him.

Caspar: What do you want here father?

As soon as I say the word outloud it tastes bitter in my mouth. As if I'm not meant to say it.

Warren: I would say I wanted to see how you are doing but I believe you and I both are past the pleasantries. So let me ask you, do you know your brother is getting married?

Caspar: Yes and not thanks to you.

He shrugs it off lighting his cigar.

Warren: Are you going to attend his wedding?

Caspar: I don't know yet, but it's none of your business.

Warren: It is if you are intending to bring your little girlfriend whose face is plastered all over social media!

He releases the smoke and the smell instantly makes me sick, but that's not even what bothers me the most, it's the way he talks about Crystal as if she's a disgrace to my being.

Caspar: My girlfriend is none of your business either and if you are here only for that then you should go before I call security.

Warren: Call security? To whom, my son? Your own father? You are a Van Cortland yourself, just because you switched your last name doesn't mean you can escape your legacy!

Caspar: Really? Because I believe I've done it pretty successfully til now!

Warren: You haven't changed, have you?

Caspar: I could say the same about you! Now cut the bullshit and tell me why you're actually here!

His expression turns serious and he stops smoking the cigar. His eyes on me as he tilts his head to the side in a way it makes you think he's actually trying to think about how to voice his thoughts!

Warren: I'm just wondering if you are doing it on purpose. Showing of that woman as your girlfriend just when you learn your brother is about to get married.

Caspar: How is Crystal related to his marriage in any way?

I frown actually confused at how he connected those two irrelevant events.

Warren: Oh!

He chuckles at my visible confusion and I hold back the rush to hit him on the face!

Warren: You are clueless, aren't you?

Caspar: Clueless about what, damnit?!

He shakes his head taking out his phone.

Warren: See what I send you son, it might clear the image for you.

I reluctantly pick up my phone and open his email. One that I haven't seen popping on my screen for more than a decade. And I regret doing so...I regret it the moment I see the content of it. One that would make my knees buckle and my lungs burn with frustration I managed to control so long ago!

Warren: See? After all, old habits, die hard don't they?

When I look at him again I can tell my eyes tell that nothing good will come from provocation right now. Cause I see him as my enemy right now. One that I feel the need to destroy!

Caspar: Get out.

Warren: I will, but nothing will change.

I slam my hand on the desk and he flinches even though he keeps his composure.

Caspar [18+]Where stories live. Discover now