Part 4

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This is like my favorite song rn so I was super exited when I saw a fanart with Shu in the background instead of the other chick (King by WonderlandsxShowtime). 

This chapter is slightly inspired by Sally Face (It's a horror game and it's amazing) 

The Netherlands POV:

I never meant to kill anyone; I swear. I didn't have a choice.

2 weeks before England's death

'Hello' I whipped around at the sound of the strange voice. When I turned around, I saw a vague ghostly figure standing in my doorway. 

"Who are you?!" I shouted, backing fearfully until my back was pressed against the wall. 

'I think you know who I am' The apparition stepped forward, its long white robe brushing against the dirty floor, but somehow retained the perfect white colour.

"Poland?" I asked stepping slowly towards my old friend, "But you died years ago!"

(The features of the apparition flickered, changing to match the features of The Netherlands's deceased friend's face). 

'Yes, I need your help. I can't pass on unless you do something for me.'

"What is it?" I was willing to do anything for my old friend. You have to understand! Poland died of a hit and run 3 years ago. This was before I met France and they were my only friend at the time. After their death I became a soulless monster. You could say I have been since. I met France and my life was okay again. But now here was my former best friend standing before me asking for help. How could I turn them down?

'There's a man. I need you to get rid of him.'  The apparition moved closer, taking my hand in theirs. 'PLEASE, I'M IN SO MUCH PAIN' Poland's voice changed into something far from human. And for a moment I saw the apparition's true form. But it happened so quickly I didn't notice before it returned to normal.

"Who?!" I asked, getting desperate now. I had to help them; they were in pain!

'England' The pure anger and spite in the apparition's eyes and voice made me step back again. 

"I-i don't understand! What does England have to do with you?" 

'I'm afraid I can't tell you that..'  She stepped closer. 'Please! You have to help me!' 

"Okay, of course I will but.." I looked away from them, embarrassed, "I don't know how to kill people..." 

'Don't worry dear. I can help with that.' An evil glint appeared in the apparition's eyes. 

One week before England's death

No one's POV:

The Netherlands had been training with the mysterious ghost for about a week now and her mannerisms had changed drastically because of it. She became angry and tired, much like the mirage she spent every day with. She no longer spent so much time with France and France certainly noticed. She became worried for her reclusive girlfriend's health.  Because of this the ghost decided to allow the Netherlands time with her friends and girlfriend.

The Netherlands and the ghost spoke daily and whenever the Netherlands felt unsure about their plan Poland manipulated her through their old friendship. 

Thus began the most averse to and misunderstood murder of the decade.

A/n Ya so if you've never played the game Sally Face you may not really understand this shit. So basically, this ghost is using the Netherlands to accomplish their goal of killing England.  So, the Netherlands didn't actually want to kill England because the ghost used its manipulative ability to accomplish their own selfish goal. JUST WANTED TO CLEAR THAT UP

WC: 581

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