Chapter One |

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Years earlier. . . . .

Laughter filled the streets of the town that I grew up in. A little girl, with golden brown hair and golden skin led one boy with pale skin and auburn hair and another boy with olive skin and jet black hair. The girl, unlike her followers, was hyper and more determined to reach their destination. The auburn hair boy was shaking slightly as he ran. From excitement or from nervousness, no one will know except the boy himself. The final boy was a lot calmer compared to his comrades. Although he wore a smile, he showed his excitement quietly.

I watched as the small children ran past me with cries of joy and a pink blush adoring their cheeks from the sun. Sheltering my eyes from the sun, I continued to watch them leap and jump in a frenzy state. A familiar trio came to mind and my lips itched to smile at the thought of them.

I quickly shook the thought of the trio out of my head. I reached for the wooden clips above me, taking another cloth down from the laundry line. Humming to a familiar tune, I repeated my actions until there was none left to be collected.

Heaving the basket full of dry clothes up, I made my way to the front of my home. The sound of flapping above me broke me from my trance. I looked up to see birds, heads held high as they soared high over the wall that surrounded us. Unlike us, the birds were free from being trapped. They could fly as high as they are now or even higher because they were not caged. They're free and I envy them for it. I sighed as I was once again lost in my thoughts.

I grunted as I took a step and another before I stood in front of the door to the house. Using one hand to hold the basket, I twisted the knob and pushed slightly. The door opened, welcoming me to the comfort of my home, and to my mother's presence. Her back was facing towards me as she was cooking our meal for the evening. I was quick to close the door behind me. The small thud against it's frame making my presence known.

The table that wasn't far from the door was my next destination. I set the basket that I had with me down once I reached the assembled wood. It creaked at the weight brought onto it. I moved until I stood next to my mother. I was hit with her perfume. Her scent was that of roses and a hint of cinnamon. Sweet and comforting just like the rest of her. Golden brown eyes surrounded by long lashes and chocolate brown hair that shines better beneath the sunlight. Though, the thing that caught my attention the most was the smile that graced her lips. It was one of comfort and ease. Overall, she was beautiful and too good to be true. How she gave birth to me, I will never know but I'm forever grateful as she was the first person to welcome me into this world with such grace and love.

"I've brought in the laundry as you asked, Mother," I disturbed the moment of peace.

Her golden brown eyes drifted to mine and if it was any more possible, her lips spread further more in gratitude. "Thank you, Adaline, dear." I gave a slight nod. "Is there anything else that you would like for me to do?"

Her eyes moved to the dishes and tableware in front of me. "If you do not mind, Adaline, please set up the table for me. Your father must eat first before he leaves for his trip".

Taking the plates first, I went around the table, placing one plate down for each seating until there were five plates resting on the table. I repeated my actions again with the tableware. The moment the last tableware was set down, a noise disrupted us.

My father stood at the end of the stairs. Glasses perched on his nose, he gave us a tight-lipped smile in greetings. He had a stack of papers and a pen in his hands. I didn't have to see them up close to know that it was for his work. His role as a doctor left him with stacks of paperwork to be either filled up or signed. It was rare to see him without those stacks of papers. Every week he seems to be drowned in a case. It was evident what his job has done to him. The stress and fatigue is explained enough beneath the wrinkles on his face.

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