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Y/n's arc typing....
Renjun arc...
Haechan arc...
School vibes......
⚠️: school.

Y/n's view:
My head felt heavy. I sat up and sighed being aware it was a school day. "I don't want to go to school."

Renjun sat up and sighed as well. "Should we skip?"

"No. We should try going." I said as I got off the bed wearing Renjun's shirt and shorts I borrowed since I was too lazy to go to my room the night before.

Renjun and I still had the lipstick stains on our face, and I gave my make up from last night.

I walked out to go to the bathroom and rinsed off my face when I realized someone was sitting on the toilet.

"Oh my god my bad." I said as I quickly tried to get out but they grabbed my wrist.

"I'm jus brushing my hair. Don't worry." Taeyong quietly said. "That's why I left the door unlocked in case someone needed to come in Here."

He smiled at me before letting go of my hand. "You look like you had a rough night Y/n."

"To be honest I'm hungover..a little."

"Want to call in for a sick day?" He asked.

I shook my head since I remembered we had to take Sarah back to school as well.

"Alright have a good day at school." He said as he left the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair out a bit but to be honest it was a mess at this point.

I walked into my room, and Yuna was sitting in the bed reading. "Oh Y/n. Good morning..are you okay?"

I kissed her cheek before opening up the closet. "I'm so dead, what should u wear?"

"Something comfortable." She said with a giggle as she pulled out a black sweatpants and a teal hoodie.
"Wear this Sis."

I jus nodded and started to change.

Once I finished she made me sit down and helped put my hair in a cute messy bun. She put a little bit of make up on my face to cover up the lipstick stains that were still kinda there.

"Thanks Yuna. You're a life saver."

Renjun walked in. "I can't get most of the stains out." His face looked slightly red because of it making me giggle.

"Let's go Y/n. We gonna be late." He said in embarrassment.

I grabbed his hand and walked out with him, "see you Yuna."

She waved me off.

Sarah was already at the door, taking with YangYang and Lucas who was yawning.

Jisung smiled at me And Renjun. "Morning guys."

"Ha clown face." Haechan said pointing at Renjun.

"Ha..yours gonna be purple." Renjun spat back at him.

Chenle was putting some bottles into his backpack.

"Are you taking poison?" Mark asked while looking at him.

"It's not poison."

Morkly passed by making Sarah jump a bit.

Angela waved us off. "See ya guys after school!"

We got on to the limo which Jaemin offered to drive, and he'd park at the school. Since Yuta was passed out and Johnny was out running errands.

Once we had made it to school it was surprisingly still early. We still had time to walk around the school and vibe before class.

We walked to our classroom and sat down in our seats. Renjun was playing with my hand while we waited for class to start.

Sarah greeted her friends and talked about how we were cool.

The bell rang. Making us all settle down.
Hendery was playing a game on his laptop.

"Alright students today we will start presentations."

I nearly fell asleep while our classmates presented.

But they called us up and it was our turn.
YangYang, Sarah and I walked up to the front while Haechan put up the link.

Renjun was looking at me and smiled when he noticed me looking at him.

I took a deep breath before I announced our project along with Sarah.

Once we finished, Our classmates clapped and Hendery and Mark gave me high fives.

I was feeling like a normal girl again.
It made me anxious again.

Something was going to happen.

I could feel it again.

Our class ended and we headed out towards the lunch room.

I picked at my food while I listened to Sungchan and Shotaro talking about a club they wanted to join.

Mark sat down next to me and asked. "Are you feeling alright?"

I just nodded while I took a bite of my food.

Sarah joined our table and elbowed YangYang.
"Hello again guys."

"Heyy." I said back trying to act like I was fine.

Renjun put his arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "Want to skip?"

I nodded and grabbed his hand. "I'm going out."

"You're leaving us here to survive school?" Sungchan whined.

"Yes we dipping." I said as we walked towards the bathroom.

We waited for the bell to ring before we snuck out if the school.

Once we made it outside we ran to the field behind the school. We took a seat in the grass and looked at the clouds.

"Y/n." Renjun spoke up. "You're not feeling okay right."

I shook my head. "I feel like something is going to happen..I'm worried."

Renjun bumped my forehead lightly with mine. "I'm here for you to rely on. If anything bad happens I'll just Kill anyone who tries to hurt you."

I nodded and laid my head in his shoulder.

"But what if they are stronger then you?"

"I'll train and become better." He said back without hesitating.

He kissed my forehead and glanced at the the clouds.

"Try to relax, Taeyong and Jaehyun will help you out on what to do as co leaders."

"What should we do now?" I asked since there was still a few hours of school.

He took out his phone.

"Let's go on a date. There's..an arcade nearby."

I smiled. "That would be so fun."

He got up to his feet and grabbed my hand.
He helped me up and smiled at me.

"Finally some alone time for us without Haechan to tease us."

Thank you for reading and I lvoe you my Rozes!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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