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Badass Awakening:

Y/n's view:

I managed to fall asleep after thinking for several hours. I jumped and sat up when I felt I was laying on something really warm and was breathing.

It was Morkly. It perked up its head and looked at me with its cute eyes. Recently, Morkly didn't leave my side. It was as if he knew I was feeling down.

"It seems Morkly likes you more then me now." Mark teased. I glanced towards him. He was sitting on the windowsill and sighed as he took off his hat and smiled at me. "I'm glad to see you fell asleep."

I nodded and pet Morkly. "I like Morkly too. At first I felt iffy having a tiger follow me around. But Morkly is sweet."

"Only to those he likes." Haechan nagged as Morkly growled at him.

"Where's Renjun?" I asked as I rubbed my eye.

""It's always where's Renjun, but never How's Renjun." Haechan teased.

"I swear..." I muttered and placed the eyepatch back on my face.

"He went out not so long ago." Another voice spoke up.

I glanced up to see Sungchan towering over me.

"He did? But aren't we all supposed to stay here?"

"He went for food." Sungchan said as he sat down in front of me. "He left with Shotaro and Lucas."

I nodded. "How's Angela?"

Sungchan shrugged. "I haven't checked on her."

I got to my feet and walked towards the room I last saw her in.

She was still sleeping, sweating, my guess was that she had a fever.

Zuley was tending to her with a wet rag, and a bucket of ice.

Zuley's hair was tied back, loosely and I could tell she hadn't slept. She must've taken care of everyone's injuries all night. She was wearing a loose white shirt and it was also drenched in sweat.

"Zuley..get some rest I'll watch over Angela." I spoke up.

Zuley smiled at me and shook her head. "I'm fine I can handle this."

Yuta walked into the room and slapped his hand on her forehead lightly. "You have a fever too. You should take care of yourself."

"Since when did you care about my health." She half teased as she slapped his hand away. "Just get me some food. That'll be enough."

I sighed and sat down besides Angela.

I could tell she was having difficulty breathing. It worried me, she'd die.

"I feel so alone. No one is tending my wounds." I glanced back to see Taeyong joking around as he attempted to change the bandage on his thigh.

I got up and walked over to him.

"I'll do it." I offered as I pushed him back so he could sit comfortably.

I did what Zuley had told me before when I was helping her yesterday. I wrapped it moderately so it wasn't too tight but not too loose.

Someone opened the door and walked in.

I glanced back to see Renjun.

"Oh look at you two being all cuddly and like best friends." He spoke up as he handed me a bag with food in it.

"Renjun...stop getting jealous I'm just helping him."

Seulgi stepped inside the room and smiled as she saw both Taeyong and I. Jisung followed after her.
"Brother, and if you permit me to say so can I call you sister Y/n."

I nodded.

"It seems he's on his way here. He's coming sooner then I thought."

"We aren't ready." Taeyong said as he clenched his fists. "He knew we would t be ready and came early."

Seulgi nodded. "Father has always been like this, once he thinks the opponent is weakened he'll strike."

Seulgi pat Jisung and Taeyong's backs. "Don't worry. I'm here. We'll manage to get out of this together."

"Y/n.." Angela said as she gasped for air.

I walked over to her and knelt besides her.

"Are you okay Y/n?"

"Angela..I should be asking you that."

She nodded. "I'm just in pain....but I think I'm fine."

"Let me get you painkillers." Zuley said as she quickly jumped on to her feet and ran over to one of the duffle bags on the floor.

She slightly slipped and hit her knees hard as she reached for the duffle bag.

"Zuley..go get some rest." Taeyong said he said in a commanding tone.

"It's okay.." she grabbed the pills and walked back over to Angela.

I handed her a water bottle from the bag that Renjun had brought.

Renjun sat down besides me. She took some pills and I helped her sit up while she drank some water.


I glanced back.

Seulgi placed her hand on my back.

"Could I have a word with you?"

I nodded and walked with her. I placed my hand into my pocket, lightly clenching the gun. I wasn't exactly sure if she's really on our side. Since she hasn't been doing much but look over Lucas's computer.

We were on the rooftop of the building.
She took off her elegant jacket and placed it on a chair. She turned around to look at me.

"Y/n. I just want to say..anything could happen when my father gets here. I just want you to be mentally prepared."

I raised my eyebrow.

"I know because... I was there when my father chased out your mother from the mansion. He might bring out a few things that could hurt you."

"Mom." I muttered quietly, as I clenched my fist.
"I haven't seen in her in so long...and there's so many things I don't know what's going on in my life."

Seulgi smiled and hugged me. "I know life is going tough. But you're not alone. You have Taeyong...Nct, your boyfriend Renjun, Zuley, and the Santos members..and now you have me."

I smiled and hugged her back.
"Thanks Seulgi."

We both jumped when we heard gunshots coming from downstairs.

She gasped and let go of me.
"He's moved too soon."

I quickly ran to the stairs and opened the door.

I didn't even look back.

I needed to see Renjun..Jisung..sicheng..everyone.

I want everyone to be fine.

this time, I won't be afraid to spill blood.

Either it's them...or me.

By heart I don't wish to kill anyone, but I might have to.

I pulled out the gun from my pocket.

Seulgi pulled out Hers, and signaled that she's go forward.

I followed after her.

At least if she slips up, I'm the one behind her.

I took a deep breath before I called out.


I felt safer being by him.

After all, he's my safe haven.

My new home.

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