harleys in hawaii | chapter 8

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• alexa, play harleys in hawaii by katy perry •

• enjoy <3


You entered the shop door, the bell ringing as you did encouraging yourself to wake up a little bit. It was Wednesday and the last couple of days you had lacked a decent amount of sleep resulting in you running a little late today.

No one was in the lobby area so you just went into the back, everyone already either at their desks or just hanging out on the couches. Jean and Niccolo were also here watching the television that hung against the wall and making small talk.

"There she is." Hitch smiled, looking up from her tablet. "Your coffee is sitting on your desk. We thought you were gonna call off." She laughed, pointing to the cup that sat on your little coaster. "Thanks." You smiled, walking over to your desk to sit your stuff down before you turned to the two men on the couch. "Hey, Niccolo. It's been a while." You smiled, sitting in your chair.

"I know." He returned the smile. "Sasha's car wasn't starting and I had to bring her so I figured I'd hang out since I have not seen you guys in a while." He shrugged.

"Yeah because this has turned into the hangout spot." Levi mumbled, acting as if he didn't love it. Eren rolled his eyes, "shut up, old man. You love us."

"Call me old man again and you're fired." Levi plainly mumbled, still focused on the drawing ahead of him.

"What's wrong with your car?" Connie turned to Sasha who just shrugged. "No clue. We tried jumping it and it wouldn't start so I'm just gonna ask my dad."

"I can look at it." Jean glanced over at her. "It's probably just your battery which isn't that hard to replace."

"Oooh, look at you." You smirked, teasing Jean. "Didn't know you knew how to work on cars." You watched him shrug. "I picked it up when I decided to get a motorcycle."

"You have a bike?" Mikasa asked making Eren scoff. "It's not that cool." He mumbled.

Levi looked up, "What kind of bike?" He asked. Jean replied, "it's a Honda, CB1000R." Levi nodded, "Ducati Panigale." He replied, referring to his own bike that he absolutely loved to talk about.

"V2 or V4?" Jean pointed as Levi let out a soft chuckle. "V4 of course. Traded in my old bike for it recently."

"You should bring it here one day." Hitch smiled. "Gotta give us a ride since Levi refuses to take us on his." She gave a playful glare to our boss who just shook his head, "I'm not going to be responsible for your dumbass's safety." He looked around the room.

"You should totally take us out!" Sasha smiled to Jean. "That'd be so fun."

"Man these guys are takin all the bitches." Connie mumbled, throwing himself back in his desk chair, his drawing pen dramatically flying from his hands as he threw his arms out before crossing them. "I can't have shit."

"Connie... you didn't have us to begin with." You deadpanned which only made him smirk while he pointed, "But if I had a motorcycle?"

Hitch shook her head, "yeah, still don't think we'd fuck you."

You laughed, looking back to Jean. "Definitely bring it over though. I'd love to see." You smiled. Jean nodded, noticing the small bit of excitement you showed, sparking an idea. "I'll take you on it anytime. Wanna go after work?" He asked.

Connie's eyes moved to Sasha as his lips puckered. "They're fucking."

"You're so quiet." You sarcastically stated, glaring to Connie before your gaze moved back to Jean. "I'd love too." You smiled.

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