he's back

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3rd person pov

Dawn's whole life she's been on the run. She was born running from Ghostface. Her mother, Gale and her father, Dewy always tried to keep her safe and hidden yet Ghostface always found a way to get to Dawn. Even when Sidney, Gale, and Dewy tried to stop him. He always attacked. He never successfully killed her though. She was a survivor. A final girl.  When Dawn moved to New York for college with her mom everything changed, for one her father wasn't around anymore.  He truly was Woodsborro's hero or at least he was Dawn's hero.  Dewy Riley would always be loved and remembered by his family.  Dawn liked to think that Dewy would be proud of her.  She finally moved from Woodsborro to New York and was studying in Criminal Justice.  She had a group in College too.  Her old friends from high school and some new ones, Anika, who was already Mindy's girlfriend, Quinn, who lived with Dawn, Sam, and Tara, and then there was Ethan.  He was Chad's roommate and they were already pretty close.  Ethan had developed somewhat of a crush on Dawn and that is what brought him and Chad together.  Chad would always hint to Dawn about Ethan yet she never really understood what he was trying to say.


dawn's pov

I was currently starring at my closet trying to find a costume for a frat halloween party that Tara had begged me to go to while Sam was at therapy.  Sam hasn't exactly been the best at adapting to our new life in New York.  Not that I could blame her ghostface has that effect. I don't even know what my life would look like if I wasn't always running from him.  Probably a lot less traumatizing.  But there's nothing that I can do to change that.  The creaking of floorboards shook me out of my thoughts.  I immediately snapped my focus to the door slowly reaching for my emergency gun.  Suddenly the door busted open and I turned pointing the gun towards it.
"Woah! Hey! It's just me!"
Tara screamed frightened.
"Sorry! I thought you were- I thought you were someone else."
I apologized putting the gun back in my nightstand.
"You thought I was Amber?"
Tara assumed coming over to me cautiously.
"Can you blame me Tara? She killed my dad."
I mumbled under my breath looking back at the memory.
"Hey! It's okay she's gone, ghostface is gone."
Tara told me giving me a comforting hug.
"Anyways, are you wearing tonight?"
I asked her changing the subject.
"Uh a pirate."
Tara told me, hinting at her corseted white crop top with puff long sleeves with a brown vest overtop and her jean shorts, as she tied her bandanna around her head.
"Okay what about cowgirl? I still have the hat from last year? Or is that just basic."
I asked her while grabbing a white cowgirl hat and a short sparkly pink dress. Although to be honest it was a sorry excuse for a dress.
"I mean it is... but so am I."
Tara told me while laughing at me and taking the dress from me.
"You know whose attention you're gonna get from this?"
Tara asked wiggling her eyebrows at me as I just rolled my eyes at her.
"Oh shush!"
I told her playfully punching her arm.
"Ethan Landry!"
Tara said shimmying her shoulders at me.
"Okay you're done!"
I gasped at her pushing her out of my room.
"Me and Chad think you two should get together!"
Tara told me from outside the door as I slipped on the dress.
"Why? So you and Chad could finally fuck?"
I teased her.
Tara gasped.
"It's true! Quinn sleeps with everyone and she can even tell!"
I told her while putting on my tall white heeled boots, grabbing my hat, and walking out the door to be faced with Tara crossing her arms.
"Whatever... me and Chad think double dates would be fun for us, I mean Ethan is Chad's best friend and you're mine!"
Tara defended while we walked together to the door of the apartment.
"Quinn! We're leaving! Don't tell Sam anything!"
Tara yelled while we were leaving.

When we got to the party Mindy and Anika were already on the couch cuddling, I always thought they were perfect for each other ever since they met in the beginning of this year.  Chad and Ethan were talking in the doorway, I did have to admit that Ethan was pretty cute, not that I would date him.  And it's not just him it's any guy because the boyfriend is always the killer and knowing my life, I know ghostface is never going away, at least not in my lifetime.
"Hey Tara, hey Dawn!"
Chad greeted while nudging Ethan, weird.
"Hey guys! I'm getting a drink, want anything?"
Tara asked looking at all of us.  I shook my head at her as did Ethan.
"I'll go with you!"
Chad followed, oh they so knew what they were doing.
"So... what's new?"
Ethan asked awkwardly.  I couldn't help but snort out a laugh.
"Calm down Landry I don't bite."
I laughed at him as I got closer to him.
Ethan stuttered rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"Okay you need a drink. Come on."
I stated dragging Ethan with me.
"W-what? No I don't drink."
Ethan told me as I rolled my eyes at him playfully.
"You're at a frat party and you don't drink?"
I questioned him.
"I came for Chad!"
Ethan defended while laughing as he was looking around to see where Chad even was.  I laughed at him while filling up the red solo cup with some sort of alcohol.
"Well you drink tonight."
I told him giving him the red solo cup.
"Dawn I-"
Ethan started but I cut him off by placing my pointer finger over his lips.
"Ethan drink."
I told him blatantly.
Ethan breathed defeated.
I said as I looked over to see Mindy and Anika still on the couch winking at me while I just rolled my eyes at them.
As Ethan and I had more drinks, I definitely had more than Ethan, but nonetheless we both became pretty drunk. 
"Dance with me Landry!"
I called out while pulling his arm to the 'dance floor'
"No no I don't dance!"
Ethan laughed trying to resist me.
"Oh come on!"
I begged as I slurred my words.
"Fine! One dance."
Ethan caved as I smiled at him.  The more I looked at him the more I noticed all of his beautiful features.
"You know, you're pretty cute Landry."
I slurred as I pushed his bangs aside to get a better look at him as his hands went to my hips pulling me close to him, which was bold for Ethan all I know is our bodies felt so close.
I put my arms around his neck while standing on my tippy toes just so I could even reach him as Ethan put his arms around my waist pulling me close.
"Hey guys? Have you seen Tara?"
Chad asked interrupting us as he winked at Ethan.  I swear I heard him say something but I couldn't make out what it was.
"Hey big boy? You're needed."
Anika spoke behind him pointing at Tara and the fuckboy known as Frankie walking up the stairs to his room. God damnit Tara.  Chad turned to me and Ethan and to say that he looked pissed is an understatement.  Everyone knew that Chad had a thing for Tara and that Tara had a thing for Chad so this was both amusing and exhausting.  Then running over to the stairs.

"Hey man I think she's good down here."
Chad spoke to Frankie who was walking with Tara upstairs.
"Chad I'm fine."
Tara slurred her words while waving him off.
"Yeah she's fine."
Frankie scolded dragging Tara up the stairs harshly by her arm.  And it was like an inner alarm went off in Tara as her eyes had full terror in them.  A look I remembered very well from the hospital when ghostface attacked her last year, when Amber killed my dad.
"Hey! Get your hands off her asshole!"
I yelled at him making my way up to him to push him away from Tara.  There was no way in hell I was letting some guy take advantage of my best friend.
"Back off bitch!"
Frankie yelled at me pushing me back down the stairs.
I heard the others yell in panic.
"Now you've done it!"
Chad growled as he pushed Frankie off of Tara and pulled Tara behind him protectively while Ethan ran over and helped me back up.
As Chad and Frankie started to fight Sam came in the middle of them.
"Sorry, excuse me, I'm just gonna taze you in the balls real quick."
Sam said innocently then tazing Frankie.  Once she did Tara stormed out of the party.
"Oh my god it's psycho girl!"
A random girl yelled out.
"Hey! Fuck off bitch!"
I yelled at her while flipping her off.
"Hey! Hey! We should just go."
Ethan told me while throwing me over his shoulder and walking out of the party.
As everyone followed Sam and Tara.
"Ethan. Put. Me. Down."
I scolded him.
"Promise you won't hurt anyone sweetheart?"
Ethan teased.  Not gonna lie when he said that I did get butterflies but again the boyfriend is always the killer and I can't take that risk.
I muttered stubbornly.
"Then No."
Ethan replied causing Mindy and Anika to stifle out a laugh.
"Ethan Landry put me down!"
I yelled at him while hitting his back.
"Fine. You're no fun."
Ethan teased putting me down. 
"Thank you."
I replied pulling down my dress as I caught up next to Tara.

"There's the killer!"
Another random girl yelled passing the group and throwing her drink onto Sam.  It pisses me off that people will just believe anything that the internet will tell them.
"That's it you little Bi-"
I started but Ethan covered my mouth while mouthing to the girl to go away. Sam shoved the girl off of her.
"You can't fight everyone you see!"
Ethan told me as the random girl walked away.
"Says who?!"
I yelled back at him.
"Says like all of us!"
Chad laughed. And just like someone flipped the switch I was out, all I know is someone caught me.


3rd person pov

"Damn Ethan."
Chad whispered punching Ethan in the arm.
Ethan hit Chad playfully with one arm and then quickly back to carrying her.

Once they got back to Sam, Tara, Dawn, and Quinn's apartment Ethan laid Dawn down on the couch as Anika turned on the news. As Ethan looked down at her some couldn't tell if it was with love or obsession.
Anika grabbed everyone's attention, even tapping Dawn to wake her up.
"What do you want?"
Dawn griped getting up as the others came to look at the tv.
"Two collage students found dead with a halloween mask known from Woodsborro murders found at the scene of the crime."
The reporter stated on the tv showing a ghostface mask in her hands as she stood in the apartment.
"Ah shit."
Dawn muttered.


Word count: 1897

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