the attack

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dawn's pov

"Pack your bags we're leaving in the morning!"
Sam told everyone urgently. I quickly got up from the couch stumbling a bit due to the fact that I was still dealing with the aftermath of the party and the sudden news of ghostface being back. Ethan tried to help me but I just nudged him away.

"What- no! no Sam! It's New York, it's a big city on Halloween everyone is in masks, so let's figure this out before you decide to abandon my collage education and flee the fucking state!"
Tara yelled after Sam while Sam was grabbing a knife to defend herself and us.
"Tara stop. Mindy! Chad! Dawn! Pack your bags we're leaving!"
Sam ordered while checking closet doors where Ghostface could be hiding.
"What?! No we can't leave just because some creep in a mask wants to freak us out! How do we know it's actually happening again?!"
I reasoned as I was storming over to Sam. Sam turned around with almost a psychotic look in her eyes and pointed the knife threateningly close to my neck, alerting everyone. I looked up are her as an alert went through my body, telling me to take the knife from her and turn it on her. Something in me was telling me to defend myself while another part of me said to just give in and be with my dad once more.
"Maybe if your mother didn't write a fucking book about what happened in Woodsborro, this wouldn't be fucking happening!"
Sam yelled backing me up against the couch as the knife got closer and closer to my throat till i could feel the cold metal touch the sensitive skin of my throat.  I stood there waiting for the sharp sting of the knife that I knew all too well yet it never happened.  Sam just stood there not daring to budge while she looked like she wasn't cautious of what was happening, like something else was taking control of her body.
"Sam put the knife down."
Tara ordered cautiously taking steps towards us slowly.  Sam seemed to snap out of whatever psychotic trance she was under and looked down at the knife in her hand then looked at me, then looked around at the others, who were definitely alarmed. She slowly removed the knife from my throat as I gasped for a breath I didn't even know I needed.
"S-sorry... I don't- I don't know why I did that.."
Sam spoke dropping the knife by her side.
"Hey Sam... my dad wants to speak with you."
Quinn spoke pulling everyone's attention from us to her.
"Yeah- um yeah of course."
Sam spoke scared but it didn't seem like she was scared of any of us or of the knife but more of herself.
"Hey? Are you okay?"
Ethan whispered into my ear as he gently rubbed my arm.
"Y-yeah I uh I think so."
I responded turning to face him as her wrapped his arm around me in a comforting side hug almost like he was saying that I was safe with him.

Once I turned from Ethan to see everyone else staring the first I noticed the guy that lived in the building across from us, he was Sam's cute boy.  I didn't know his name, we just call him 'cute boy'.  I shook out of my thoughts as I tried to lighten the mood and I had missed a lot I mean I did just wake up then get threatened with a knife.
"Oh! Cute boy!  What's he doing here?"
I called out pointing to him as everyone just looked at me like I missed everything that just happened.  Quinn patted my back as she pushed her lips together to form a straight line.
"A little behind there honey."
Quinn said as she continued to pat my back softly.
"Okay new mysterious suspicious guy, I think it's time you leave."
Chad said pushing the guy out of the door and slamming it in his face.  Then to add to the commotion, Sam's phone began to ring and everyone fell silent.  Ethan started to say something but I flew my pointer finger over his lips to shush him.  Sam cautiously walked over to see who the caller was.
"It's just Gale."
Sam announced to all of us.  I furrowed my eyebrows as Anika, Quinn, and Ethan all looked at me as if I knew why my mom was calling Sam instead of her own daughter.

"Yeah I'll let you talk to her.."
I heard Sam say from the other room.
"Dawn, It's for you.."
Sam said handing me the phone.
"Hey hun-"
My mom started but I cut her off as I paced around the apartment.
"You just had to write that fucking book didn't you?!"
I yelled into the phone.
"Now I don't think that's fair-"
My mom started again.
"Fair?! Do you think that it's fair that I had to watch this mother fucker kill my dad right in front of me?! Or do you think it's fair that I couldn't have a fucking life because I've been hunted since 7 years old?! Oh but it's completely fair that you get to write a book about it even though we made you promise that you wouldn't do it again! You are the reason he's back mom!  Did you even think about what would happen?!"
I pretty much screamed at her through the phone forgetting that everyone was still in the room.  It wasn't till I looked around to see them all silent and looking at me shocked.  I felt a tear roll down my face as my mom was silent on the other line.
"Baby I'm sorry and before you cut me off again I know I can't do anything to undo what I did just hear me out okay? I told Sam where to meet me, I want you and Tara to be with her please."
My mom said calmly on the other side though I could still hear her slight sniffing trying to get rid of the tears.
"Is Sidney coming back?"
I asked her just above a whisper.
"No. I told her to stay, it's better for all of us."
My mom explained.
"Okay we'll meet you."
I told her getting ready to hang up.
"Hey! I love you, okay.  We're all we have left we shouldn't waste time hating each other."
My mom told me as another tear found its way on my face.
"Okay bye."
I told her once again trying to hang up.
"Bye, I love you Dawn."
Mom said hanging up.
"Love you too."
I whispered to myself once the call was over.  I looked up at the others as they all stared at me with sympathy.  I tried to fake a smile while handing the phone back to Sam.  As Same took the phone she pulled me into a hug.
"I am so so sorry."
She whispered to me both from earlier with the knife and what just happened with my mom.
Tara was next to join the hug, then Mindy, then Chad.
"Fab fucking Five."
Chad said making us all laugh. 
I looked up as my eyes met Ethan's.
"Come on in guys."
I told them.
Anika was the first out of three to join, then Quinn, then finally Ethan.
"Thanks guys."
I whispered but loud enough for all of them to hear.
"We love you Dawn."
Tara told me.
"Some more than others."
Chad smirked as I saw Ethan stomp on his foot signaling him to shut up.  Weird.

"Guys I'm heading down to the sheriff's office, I'll be back just stay here."
Sam told all of us while grabbing her jacket off the coat rack. Tara looked over at me then to the door.  I followed her gaze and grabbed my jacket.
"Should we go?"
Tara asked.
"Yeah we should."
I confirmed as we were walking to the door.
"Hey! Be safe, okay?"
Chad told us while giving Tara a hug and playfully hit my shoulder.
"Don't do anything stupid."
Chad said looking at me as I feigned offended.
"How can we, you're taking all the stupid with you."
I told him punching his arm back in the same manner.  After that both me and Tara ran after Sam till we both caught up to her.

  After that both me and Tara ran after Sam till we both caught up to her

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(dawn's outfit she changes into)

"No! No go back and lock the door! Both of you!"
Sam yelled as we came up to her.
"Oh so now you don't want to stick together?"
Tara retaliated as she looked back to me for backup.
Sam said defeated looking between the two of us.
"Okay so what do we know so far?"
I questioned the sisters, having been through this since I was 7 when Jill Roberts and Charlie Walker took it upon themselves to start the Woodsborro murders over again. 
"Well the rumors online about Sam could be a motive."
Tara started, I took notice of how Sam cringed at the thought of all the fucked up things people were saying about her.
Just then Sam got a phone call...from Richie.
"Sam don't answer that!"
Tara warned as we both watched Sam fearfully as she answered it.  Both me and Tara were freaking out and whisper screaming at Sam to hang up the phone as she talked to the killer.
"Watch your backs."
I heard faintly from the phone as I grabbed onto Tara sharing a look of fear and readiness with her, when something or someone forcefully pulled me backwards by my waist then throwing me to the ground as my back ached and I'm sure it was bloody too.
I heard both Tara and Sam screamed.
I looked up to see the ghostface masked killer over top of me.  I tried my hardest to remember what my father always told me to do if the killer had me like this, I bit the killer's gloved hand hard and kicked him in the nuts causing him to bend over in pain, as he did I kicked him back into the bike rack distracting him, buying us some time to run.
I yelled at Sam and Tara while following close behind.
We ran as fast as we could, trying to find a place with people to hide, until we saw a little drug store with plenty people in it that Tara had pointed out.
We ran into the store going to the front of the checkout line, cutting off a man and tried to explain to the cashier what was happening and that ghostface was back at his killings again.
That was until the killer walked in and we ran to hide behind some random shelves in the snack section, also known as the loudest section.
"You got a problem?"
The man that we had previously cut off in line asked ghostface. The killer turned his head tauntingly and stabbed the man several times.  If I was actually counting I would say probably ten or more times.  Doing so all the costumers ran out the building screaming.  All that was left in the drug store was us, the cashier, and ghostface. As we were trying to weave a way out of the drug store without being seen by ghostface the cashier came from the back of the store with his gun.
"Get outta here! Last warning before I blow your brains out asshole!"
The man yelled around the store the his gun, ready to pull the trigger. Then out of nowhere behind him ghostface appeared and stuck the knife in and out of the poor man many times, it looked to be 18 times but I was so in shock I couldn't count. Oh fuck me.
All that was left in the store now was ghostface and us...  We kept trying to get through without making a sound but inevitably that was impossible and a bag of chips in the isle we were in popped turning the killer's attention to where we were as he took the dead cashier's gun and started firing it all around the store while making his way to our isle.  He was almost here and Tara stood up and pushed all the shelves on top of each other trapping the killer as she turned back to us with us all off guard, we turned back and he was gone.  All that was left was the ghostface mask...

word count: 2119

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