he has econ

25 1 3

dawn's pov

My phone rang...

Everyone went silent as all their eyes were on me. I slowly pulled my phone out of my back pocket of my ripped jeans and looked at the caller ID.
"Who is it?"
Tara asked cautiously.
"It's just my mom."
I told her in almost a whisper. I stared at it hesitantly. I looked between answer button and the decline button as I debated back and forth.
"Are you gonna answer it?"
Chad asked impatiently.
"Oh calm down you big baby! Of course not."
I told him as I quickly hit the decline button and put it back into my back pocket.  Then I playfully punched Chad's arm.

Later we started walking back to the apartment.
"Okay well that was fun..."
Ethan trailed off to a light chuckle as we were walking with each other slightly behind the group.
"Yeah... you can say that."
I said matching his light chuckle.
"Hey? Are you okay?"
Ethan asked stopping to look at me.
"Yeah I'm fine.. Ethan we should really catch up with the others."
I told him trying to change the topic.
"They're fine, Dawn.  You're not.  What's going on?  You can tell me, you know that right?"
Ethan told me as he lifted my chin with his finger.
"It's nothing- i-it's stupid- I'm fine seriously-"
I waved him off as I started walking again but Ethan seemed unsatisfied as he reached out for my wrist and pulled me back to him. My fight instincts kicked in at the feeling as I tried to punch him but he first dodged it then grabbed both my hands, putting them back down.
"Don't lie."
Ethan said in almost a growl.  It scared me, I've never seen Ethan like that.  He quickly recovered from it and he went back to the Ethan I knew, the shy dorky Ethan Landry I learned to love. NOT IN THE ROMANTIC WAY. I think...
"It's just- I don't want to live like this anymore.  Constantly running from some psycho, I want to live Ethan, is that so bad?!"
I stressed to him as he took my hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze.
"I know you don't want to and I'm sorry you went through all of that but I'm here now. No psycho in a mask is gonna get you as long as I'm here. I-I mean I know I-I'm not the strongest or bravest but I promise you, I won't let you get hurt."
Ethan told me as he lifted my chin once more with his finger. And I won't lie it did give me major butterflies seeing Ethan like this, so protective.
"Ethan I- thank you."
I told him giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Ethan whispered to me.
"Is it okay if I kissed you? I know you don't trust anyone and y-you have good reason not to but I promise you can trust me."
Ethan continued. Everything in me was telling me not to trust this boy but when I looked into his eyes he seemed so perfect and true.
I said just barely above a whisper to him.
He took that and leaned in hesitantly, it was adorable how awkward this boy was. He gently grabbed the back of my neck with one hand and the other on the side of my face, pulling me into him as our lips touched. It felt so right. Suddenly every rule my father taught me faded away because how could a boy so perfect be a killer?
As the kiss went on I moved my hands up to his curls and tangled my fingers in them.  Soon enough though, the kiss had to break as we heard our names being called from our friends that were heading back our way.  Something about Ethan made me want to just stay him and never leave his side, like he was some sort of protector.

"There you guys are! Where did you go?"
Tara asked as she and the others came up to us.
"Oh uh we- uh we stopped for a sec."
Stuttered as he stayed looking at me not even breaking to look at Tara or the others as I smiled up at him the looked to Tara to see Chad behind her smirking at us.
"Oh I know what happened."
Chad said smirking at us.
"Ethan finally put on his big boy pants."
Chad continued despite Ethan shaking his head 'no' at him.
"Oh he did!?"
Anika said suggestively.
"Okay! We're done here, let's go!"
I told all of them while grabbing Ethan's hand and walking away with the others behind us snickering.

Psycho• Ethan Landry x OC Where stories live. Discover now