
64 3 0

Darcel Grace

This is more or less the last time I'm admiring/staring at my room; full of luxury, full of what I need but still not everything. If my plan succeeds, I'm now in California tomorrow.

To be honest, I'll miss my room; these curtains, those red walls, everything. Yeah, will certainly miss these familiar, comfortable ingredients of the room. But now, to change my plan? Nope, too late.

I walk over to my bed, sliding my hand over the silky material until they reach my back-pack.

I zip it open revealing some of my clothes, UGs, a lighter, two cigarette packets, a rope (in case), a paper knife, four packets of readymade noodles and three bottles of water.

I pick up my bag and slide towards the door.

The last time.

Just before twisting the knob of the door, I scan the room, re-checking if I've left anything behind-Oh! The note.

I put my fingers inside my breast pocket, finding the neatly folded paper.

I unfold it, running my eyes over it one last time:

Hey dad

I'm sorry for whatever I'm doing. I do not mean to break your heart. But this time you leave me with no other choice. I forced and tempted to do so. Before you start throwing things out of my window with rage or highly astonishing guilt; remember if Mom had been here instead of that old witch, nothing would have gone wrong. Nothing. I would have married the boy of my own choice and not some loathsome creature I've to share my life with. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not, but right now, at this moment, this seems perfect. Try not to miss me daddy. I'll always be your little girl. I love you.


Little girl, my ass. I'm big enough, twenty-three years old is enough for an individual to decide the path of his/her life. I had either been in a very good mood when I wrote the letter or I just felt sorry for the man whom this letter is addressed to.

'Little girl.' I mumble giving out soft humourless laugh.

Maybe I'll regret it after a while, but right now, this seems perfect.

And I'll do it. This is it.

I'm ready to run.



That is it! Chapter one will be posted a little late, cause I'm working on my older story.

Ok bye Nachos! ILY


Dia <3

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