Chapter two

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'Darcley!!! ' I wake up to the sound of Rwiti shouting in my ear, next morning. First I'm like what-the-heck-is-going-on-where-am-I. But slowly all past happenings refill my mind.

'What?' I mumble under the sheets, the striking golden light trying to push through my eyes. I squint first, realizing Rwiti is over my stomach in a very awkward position.

'Niall went out for some work and I'm- ' She starts.

'What's the time?' I grunt.

'Uh-no, girl, you don't ever interrupt me, okay so where was I?' She scratches her eyebrows once and lets out a whoosh of air through her mouth. 'Yeah! So Niall has gone out, I'm up for I don't know, half an hour? And girl, I 'm super super super bored. Oh!-and it's seven am right now!' She squeals in a highly pitched voice.

'It's freaking seven in the morning!?' I groan; it's a weekend.

'Yeah, um are you angry?' Her face droops and she gives out a feigned sob. I give a sarcastic laugh.

'Are you even real?' I mumble while she gets down from me.

She gives me a big grin showing all of her white, good-shaped teeth. 'Okay, now tell me about you. Well Darcley- what? What is your surname? My god!' She clutches her belly. 'I don't even know your surname!' She laughs as if that's the funniest joke ever uttered.

'First, it's Darcel for god's sake.' I let out a sigh. 'Let me have a shower, and I'll tell you about me.' I give her a short nod while I get down my bed wearing a pair of plastic slippers. 'Are these yours?' I ask Rwiti.

'Yeah, but you can use them.' She smiles. 'How long? Shower?'

'Um, fifteen minutes?'

'Fifteen minutes, then so be it. Till then, let me make you some breakfast.'


I come out of the shower a towel draped over my shoulder, fully dressed, my eyes unconsciously hovering over the wall-clock indicating its ten minutes to seven-thirty.

'There you are!' Rwiti yelps. 'By the way, you're a whole five minutes late.' She says arranging the cutlery on a plate and then gracefully scooping out the food which is meant to be my breakfast.

I roll my eyes letting out a short, quiet apology.

'There you go, granola bars for ya!'

'Thank you, Rwiti.' I take my first bite out of the bar and look at her. 'So my name is Darcel Grace Malik.'

'Oooh, I'll tell ya, girl you're not at all graceful, I swear.' She stifles in a giggle.

'I know.' I smile back.

'So where do you come from?' Rwiti asks chewing on her bar.

'Um.' I think whether I should tell her or not, my actual identity but think of telling the truth. 'I am a nomad, so I don't really have any of my own hometown, but Bradford, this city is my hometown.'

'Ahhh, welcome back, girl!' She gives me a short bow.

'What's your full name?'

'It is Rwiti Whitelaw.' She crunches up her nose. 'But call me Rits.'

'Okay, and you come from?'

'I come from Australia. Nice place, eh?'

'Never been there.' I admit.

'You should, it's one of the most beautiful places you'll ever be in.' her eyes widens.


'I'm feeling bored, let's go out.'

'I need to find a job anyway, let's go.'


We get dressed up. Me in big, baggy pants and a tee.

'You gonna wear that?' Rits makes a disgusted face at me pointing at my choice of outfits.

'It's not bad!' I say defensively.

'C'mon if you're wearing that, I don't even know, girl.'

'C'mon Rits, don't be so dramatic.' I smile pulling her by the wrist and going out of our small room. We walk down the stairs and go out the hotel, the cold air gushing on our face.

'I feel so good.' I confess earning a 'hmm' from Mel.

'Okay, so what type of job do you want to get?' She asks when we've started walking down the pavement, the trees by the side casting a comfortable shadow. I hear birds chirping on the trees. Bradford. This is Bradford. Only if he was here.

'Darcel!' Rits waves a hand in front of me snatching me out of my trance. What's up girl? You look...lost.'

'It's...nothing.' I give her a smile telling her it's okay.

'Tell me if anything's wrong 'kay?'


'So what type of job?'

'I don't know, any.'

'What about a butcher?' She smirks.

'Right.' I roll my eyes.

'Okay, okay.' She laughs. 'Let's check out? In this library?' She asks while we towards a building. It's banner saying The National Library.

I look over at the distance, my mind never stopping to think about his face, his laugh, his eyes, him. This is where we walked in, this library. Every Saturday, morning at ten.

'Girl.' Rits grabs my wrist tossing me towards her. 'Tell, what the heck is wrong. You're acting strange.' She complains.


'It's what babe?'

'My brother, we used to come to this library every weekend.'

'Tha-that's good.' Rwiti frowns. 'What's so sad or strange about it?'

'He's dead. Suicide... That douche bag left me in the midst of all the trouble. Zayn Malik was his name.'





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