Chapter Seven

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Harry Styles
I put my laptop on my lap and begun my work. Something I am never capable of doing with Caia around.
It was 10pm and I had put her to sleep after singing seven different songs and reading out a bedtime story.
I am not going to lie, I love my little daughter with all my heart and I cannot imagine life without her but being a father at the age of twenty-two is not at all easy. Although I have my mom, Anne, to take care of Caia, a huge amount of responsibility is dumped on my shoulder.
"Harry?", My mother peeped in my room giving a short squeak. "Caia has wet her bed and there isn't any diaper left. Would you mind going to the-"
"No, mom. I'll be right back." I sighed.

See what I mean?

The wind was gushing on my face making me pull my jacket into an envelope around me.
I gave out a wheezy breath and started rubbing my palms in order to generate heat.
I reached the shop searching for the diapers Caia wears when suddenly I bumped into someone.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to." I turned around to see the same brunette who helped me in the park some days before. Darcel was her name, wasn't it?
"No, it's okay. Why, aren't you Darcel?" I gave her a small smile which she gratefully returns.
"Yes, Harry."
"You do remember me." I cocked an eyebrow.
"Uh, yeah." She mumbled
"Sorry, I am very lame." I mumbled back.
What the actual fuck, Harry?
"Well aren't we having a very interesting conversation." I gave a nervous laugh. Awkward as fuck.
"Sure we are. So what are you here to buy?" She asked and I could tell she is trying to shrug of the mess.
"Diapers. And I cannot find it." I gave an exasperated sigh.
"This is the section of tampons and lady stuff." I see Darcel stiffle in a laugh.

Darcel Grace
I stiffled in a chortle while Harry's cheeks went a crimson red, his eyes widening.
"I thought..." He trailed off, scratching his head. He looked uncomfortable as hell.
"It's okay. You can go that way," I point left with my index finger. "There's the baby center." I give him a reassuring smile.
"I...uh thanks." Harry gave me an uneasy smile and quickly trotted to the other side of the compartment.
Okay that was definitely cute.
"Daddy? Play with me?" Caia pleaded me with large green eyes to which I possibly cannot say no.
"Okay, baby." I scooped her up in my lap. A warm sensation spreading through my veins. "What do we play?" I snuggled closer into her neck causing her to giggle.
"Let's play barbie, please?"
"Okay." I nod giving her a thumbs up.
"Can I get Ken? I think he is hot and very nice." Cai said absent-mindedly already running off to bring her doll-bag.
I smirked and scratched my chin on hearing her amusing request.

Soon Caia and I were engrossed in the game "Barbie, swimming party."
"Your abs are nice." I said in a high pitched voice immitating Barbie's voice.
"What?" Caia frowned.
I shook my head and gave her a little pat on her head.
"I'm hungry."
"You or Ken?" I pointed out.
"Me." She grimaced "My voice change. You didn't know."
"Aw, Cai. Come to me." I spread my hands wide and she jumped into me.
Times like this reminded me how proud of a dad I am.


limp porn ftw 




im deleting my acc guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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