Chapter Five

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'Rory Smith, I will be your manager for the time being. Nice to meet you.' The man extended his hand, giving a curt smile. His hair in a Mohawk with red streaks, an arm full of ink; his eyes have this rare colour of violet, a roman nose and a thin pair of lips.

'Hey, I'm Darcel.' I shake back his hand. 'I'll be working in...?'

'Yes, you will be working in the kitchen. Do you have experiences In baking? ' He inquires.

'Yes, I do. My mother used to be a baker.' I answer confidently while we stand in the coffee shop, a couple of customers sipping their cuppa tea or coffee.

'That's good. When will you be available for work?'

'Which ever time you want me to come.' I confirm.

'Great, meet you tomorrow at 9o'clock a.m. . And, yeah your working time will be from nine to 3 in the afternoon.But before you go, please give the measure for your apron. It will be worth 4.6 euros .

Done :3

I leave a text for Rwiti.


Apron measurement given; job done. Now this is some good start to the day. I walk back to the hotel when I hear a familiar guy's voice.


'Hi, Louis.' I look at the guy who's dressed in a tuxedo and his hair in a sexy quiff so much in contrast of what he wore, yesterday.

'What's up?' He jogs towards my way.

'Just got a new job.' I flash a proud grin. ' Seem like you're going somewhere?'

'Yeah. Got a date.' He flashes a mischievous smile running his hand through his hair.

'Who's this lucky girl, eh?' I raise my eyebrow, smirking.

'Well, it's a boy.' He says smugly, the smile still prominent on his face.

'Oh.' I never thought he would be bisexual, don't get me wrong I'm not homophobic but him being a bi surprises me. 'Then you should better get going, that lucky boy might just turn his arse upon you if you're late.'

'Don't mind me, but I am the real sass here, so if I ever have to turn my arse upon anybody, it will be me, nobody messes with Louis William Tomlinson. But I better get going, anyway.' He bids me bye and jogs off to his black motorcycle giving me a two finger salute before driving away.

I let a swish of air through my nostrils and put my hands in my pocket walking on my toes until I reach my room. I knock on the door for safety measures.

'Come in!' Rwiti shouts.

I push open the door and shut the door behind me, going over to my bed. 'What do you have for lunch?' I ask Rwiti who's at the moment running over to the kitchen baking something which smells heavenly.

'Burritos, nachos and cheese dips. ' She claps her hands like a happy five-year old who just got her Barbie doll.

'That just sounds perfect.' Niall voices my thoughts giving a flying kiss to Rwiti while Rwiti catches it and embraces it in her heart. Cliché couples.

'Oh, Darcley! I forgot. I got the text from you but the phone battery died just the next moment. I'm sorry. And I can't even find my charger and I had to make lunch so I didn't search for it. Are you angry with me?' She whimpers and looks at me with big, brown eyes.

'That's fine by me. Really.' I assure her.' I'm going tomorrow at nine, morning.' I sigh, only thinking of getting up at eight in the morning, everyday sickens me.

'I'm so happy for you! ' Rwiti giggles and pulls her own cheek. Awkward. 

'If it hadn't been for Rwiti.  You wouldn't have got the job.  I'm so proud of you babe. ' Niall exclaims a nd skips over to Rwiti and wraps his hands around her waist.  'We're so good, aren't we? ' 

'Yeah... Thank you so much. I owe you on-' I stopped myself.  

Wow man,  here I am thanking them but they are busy smutting. Niall puts his right hand on Rwiti butt while Rwiti does- I better not continue. 

I awkwardly take a bite of the burrito which tastes splendid but I unsurprisingly  don't feel hungry at all now. I guess the reason is clear. 

They break their physical contact and look at me with innocent eyes.

'Sorry. ' Rwiti says although I am damn sure she doesn't regret a thing. 

'I'll have to get used to it, anyway. ' I groan. 

'Yeah. ' The lovebirds agree. 


"It's been a long way without you, my friend. And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again."

I lay on my bed curled to the right, music playing in my ears. I hum along to the music. It never occurs to me until the last line of the song. 

I miss my family. As much as it annoyed me to stay in that house bounded all four sides.  I cannot help but miss it. Have I been so selfish? Have i not thought about my dad?  What he would feel about this situation? I started the journey with so much inspiration, decided I would be happy that way. Two months seem long enough.

Did I do it right? Did I ever think of going back? 

I ask myself multiple questions unable to answer any of them. 

Thoughts engulf me in them. Some positive while some negative. I feel dazed. The room seems to spin in front of me.  So many questions. All left unanswered. No logic. No explanation.

I close my eyes trying to escape from reality. The world in front of me goes black as sleeps makes it way in. 

But one question that leaves me in the midst of nothing,  the one question I crave to know the answer from myself. 

Am I happy? 


A/n - i hope you're enjoying? 

oh and I changed Melissa's name to Rwiti because I've a friend who's a Nialler, so why not? Just don't get confused. Thank you.

Dia xoxoxo

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