8. Adore you

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ᗩᑭᎥᖇᒪ, 27 1999I adore you

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ᗩᑭᎥᖇᒪ, 27 1999
I adore you

ᗩᑭᎥᖇᒪ, 27 1999I adore you

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"Cheers for you upcoming sucess." Aaliyah said as we sat at a table in a restaurant. "Cheers." I smiled as I lifted my glass slightly up to match her's.

Aaliyah was proud of me for finishing some work, with the money I had make from the shoot which a lot was all put away in my account but I couldn't lie, I was having fun with spending some of it, spending some of it on the girl who I was seeing clearly be my own.

Taking her out on a date that I was willing to pay for made me feel good, it made feel like a man, a man that was willing to take care of his girl when she wanted to do something romantic.

Sitting so sexily in her dress the pretty girl sipped on her drink, it wasn't  acohol as she and I weren't even at the age of drinking yet, a simple coke and sprite is what we had in our glasses.

I sat my drink down as I pass the chance to take take a sip of it, I looked down to my nice meal of chicken alfredo and shrimp feeling my stomach just tightened with hunger. I had a wide apettiezing inside me.

"You wanted me to try this?" She asked as she began to sit her drink down at the table as well. She began to unfold her napkin as the fork and knife were wrapped inside.

"I'm telling you it's bomb. Shit steaming and fresh." I went on and on trying to convince the girl that the simple insurer good topping was amazing. Aaliyah was not a fan of anything sea food related so this was something new to her.

I took a bite of my food as I showed her from my reaction that I was delicious. I hummed as I added a dramtic affect that made her laugh.

"Is it that good?" She asked. "Yeah try it come on." I urged her. "Would if i take the shrimps off. Will it better?" She asked as she moved a part of the shrimp around on he plate. I smacked my lips as I rolled my eyes at the silly girls

It was then that I took my own fork and twirled a noodle along with some stuff of the chicken alfredo in my plate. I so suddenly caught aaliyah off guard when I feed her some of mine off of my plate, the girl took it in her mouth as she leaned her head back.

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