Safe place

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A month later...

  Meredith took a sabbatical which was Alex, Bailey and Richard's idea for her recovery,which she reluctantly declined of course. But due to her wrist injury which was from all the things Alfonso did to her, she eventually accepted and has been staying at the cabin for 2 weeks now.

  Alex dropped her off after she got discharged and brought groceries for her, picked her clothes up and made sure she'll get the rest and entertainment she deserves and need.

And as Alex knows her better than anyone , he also brought her laptop and few documents from her lab so she could update her research whenever he wants to.

   Meredith's currently on the couch in the living room, updating her research in her pajamas with food all over the table and the TV was on, watching her favorite show, Friends.

She slightly jumped when her phone rang, sighing in relief when she saw Alex's name on her screen.

  "Yeah?" she answered with a shaky breath

"He— are you okay?" Alex asked, noticing how shaky her breath was "Did I scare you?" he asked, concerned

"I'm fine, what is it?" Meredith shrugged,and continue typing on her laptop

   "I'm going to the store tonight,do you need anything?" Alex then asked,as Meredith heard muffled of voiced from the background,must be the interns. God she missed work.

  "I'm out of cereal actually, I was just about to call you" Meredith then answered

"Anything else?" Alex asked again

  "Yeah um...has em.." she paused nervously, "Has Nick came back to work yet?"

"Mer..." he warned. She has been asking about him for a week now after finding out that he has taken some time off as well and no one has contacted him ever since.

  "I just..." she sighed, "I want to know— I need to know his explanation" she added making Alex frowned on the other side of the phone, "he texted me a week ago and said he wanted to talk to me at some point but he hasn't replied ever since"

"Yeah, because I told him not to!" Alex retorted

"What?" she asked in stock

"Why would you wanna talk to him anyway? The man already divorced you!" he asked, taking a pause to let out a breath, "I just want to protect you from getting hurt again,Mer. I hope you understand that" he added, hoping she's somehow get it.

"Well,I don't need it..." she mumbled

"How's your arm?" Alex asked, calmly

  "Better...I guess" Meredith sighed deeply, as she heard the doorbell rang, "I'll call you back,pizza's here"

"How many pizza have you had this week?" Alex chuckled

  "None of your business" Meredith defended

"Just don't forget to take your meds, okay?" Alex reminded.

"Okay,Dr Karev" Meredith rolled her eyes making Alex chuckle before they hang up.

*time skips 9 pm in the evening*

  Meredith's now on her way upstairs after eating dinner when she heard the doorknob rustling. She stopped at her tracks and nervously went to the door to check with a broom on her left hand since her right hand still has cast on.

  The door swing open as panicked and, passed out but an arm immediately caught her before she even hit the ground, holding her into their embrace, pulling her more into their chest protectively.

"I'm here...I won't ever let you go, I promise"

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