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   It was an awkward silence between them after he asked her the question, she just blankly stared at him, unable to form a single word and felt how a small tear left her eyes.

  "Is it?" he asked again, "because if it is I'm gonna stop what I was planning to do right now" he added, sounding so determined "That I'm gonna stop reaching you... I'm gonna drop all the hopes I gave that I'll ever get you back. Because I'm aware it's my fault that I didn't believe you at first and why our marriage fell apart and I—"

  "Then stop" she interrupted him, "Because I am not hoping to get back with you either..." she added, immediately feeling guilty of what she said "You've said it so many times before when I tried explaining what happened... and you never once listened to me. Not once,Nick"

  "I know I—"

"And that seemed to me that..." she paused hesitating to continue, "that your promises and vows on our wedding day was all a lie" she added, meeting his eyes "So I'm done... I'm done reaching out to you, and I'm done loving you" she added before she walked past him only for him to grab her arm and turned her around

  "Look me in the eye and say that again" he said. "" he added

  ",Nick" she said flatly, "Do you get it now? Or do I have to spell it out for you?" she then said before snatching her arm back and sat back on the couch and called Alex.

   *Time skips*

After Meredith had packed all her stuff,she put it all in the living room so Alex would just have to put it in his car and dropped her off at the hotel she'll be staying at.

   "Hey um... will you be at the hospital tomorrow? are you on call?" Nick heard Meredith talking on the phone

  "Yeah I am. My patient, Monica the girl with a nasty liver,do you remember her?"

"Yes I do, the one who was flirting with you in Italian but kept saying the wrong things" Meredith chuckled

"Yeah yeah, she's getting a kidney so I'm going to stay... Do you need a company for your appointment with Link?"

  "Please, Andrew?" she poute6, though he couldn't see her but he knew she was pouting

"And what do I get in return?" hey asked, raising his eyebrow

"Fine, what do you want?" Meredith groaned

   "Go out and have dinner with me" Andrew simply said making Meredith look up and her smile fading, "Or... lunch tomorrow after your appointment... better?"  Andrew must have sensed Meredith and changed his offer

"Sure yes, why not" Meredith answered nervously as she heard a horn beeping outside, "Hey,it must be Alex he's here I'll call you back,okay"

  "No, we're here" he said

"What?" Meredith asked confusedly

  "Look outside the window, I'm with Alex" he chuckled at his reaction before he hang up.

   Meredith opened up the door and saw Alex and Andrew coming out of the car. Smiling brightly as she walked up to them and hugged Alex and followed by Andrew.

   "What are you doing here?" she asked him again

"I called Alex and thought he might need a hand with your luggage" he simply said, "Also... I wanted to see you" he shyly admitted

   "Enough flirting... where is he?" Alex interrupted their getting heated eye contact

"In the kitchen" Meredith simply said.

   Nick heard the door open and first saw Alex came in who greeted him with a hesitant smile, followed by Meredith and a man with curly brown locks, muscular body, a very attractive feature of a face and brown eyes who greeted him with a warm smile. Must be Andrew. He thought.

"Is that it?" Andrew asked Meredith after they put the her luggage in the trunk.

   "N-no, I think I left my portfolio upstairs" she shyly reply

"Why is it there? you said you'd never go there" Alex asked her

"I kind off— might have slept there when he arrived... I kinda panicked and passed out and my portfolios were on the bed next to me when I woke up and I haven't been able to get it ever since" Meredith explained
  "It's okay... I'll get it" Andrew said

"Are you sure?" Meredith asked and he nodded, "Okay, 3rd door on the right. Thank you" she told him

   Andrew was just walking through the hallway upstairs and he saw a door opened. Curious, he peeked inside and saw Nick sitting in a rocking chair with an album in his hands.

  "Excuse me?" he called making Nick looked up at him, "Uh, Meredith told me to get her portfolios here and I kind of forgot what room to go to" he added with a shy chuckle. He saw the cover of the album that read "Mr & Mrs Marsh". Must be their wedding album,he thought.

   Nick stood up and walked out of the room and lead Andrew to their used to be room and gave him what he asked for.

  "Thanks" he gave Nick a small smile and walk through the hallway again before Nick spoke

  "Are you Andrew?"

"I am yes...and you must be Nick. It's nice to put a face on the name" Andrew smiled, teaching his hand out as Nick shook it, "She talked about you a lot in group therapy... how much she still loves you after what you both been through" he add hesitantly. "I gotta go... it's nice to meet you again,Nick"

  "Y-yeah, you too  Andrew"

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