Daily life

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Grace really liked Agent Maria Hill. She seemed all order on the outside, but she had a feeling that deep down she had a little chaos waiting to let loose.
"Coulson said you're the reason we have the archives." Maria chatted as she walked in with Grace.
Grace blushed a little, "Well me and Director Fury. Fury understood the importance of quick reference and having a hard copy handy is essential when there's no power or internet."
Maria gave her a smile, "Fury and Coulson were right about you."
Grace looked at her as she explained, "They said you were practical and humble."
Grace blushed. Maria handed her some files, "Not much has changed in the 4yrs you were gone. We added a few copies of Asguardian texts that Thor brought us and a few rare older tomes."
Grace nodded noticing one with a German title die Legende von Ordnung und Chaos [the legend of order and chaos].
After a brief reintroduction Maria left Grace to find her rhythm and get to work.
Tony stopped by a few days later looking for some notes of his father that he hadn't digitized yet, "Hey trouble you enjoying your work?"
Grace chuckled, "I am. You added a lot in 4yrs."
Tony shrugged, "Honestly it was just a distraction. Grace..."
She hugged him tight, "Tony I love you; you've been like a big brother/father figure all rolled into one. But I swear to Odin if you apologize one more time..."
Tony chuckled, "Ok I get it."
Tony found his notes and left Grace to her work.
Grace had gotten her routine down. She'd spend her days in the library archives filling requests for information from various agents or Avengers. Then dinner with the team; sometimes she'd take a walk with Thor who'd regal her with tales of his adventures while she was gone.
"I heard what happened to Asgard; how are the people adjusting to Earth?" She asked.
Thor sadly smiled, "They're adapting nicely. You should visit soon. Valkyrie misses you little warrior."
Grace sighed, "I miss her too, but I'm not sure I am ready."
Thor nodded.
If she didn't walk with Thor sometimes she'd simply sit and read in the common room. She noticed that when she did Steve would join her with his sketch book and Bucky with a book of his own.
"Whatcha drawing Steve?" She asked one night.
Steve blushed, "Ah... You and Bucky reading."
Bucky looked up, "What?"
Both walked over to see the sketch he had done to see he had drawn them.
Grace laid on the couch and Bucky sat on the floor beside her.
"Oh Steve! Can I have that when you're done? I love it."
Steve blushed when she asked, "Of course."
Bucky blushed too, "Why do you want a drawing of me in it?"
Grace tilted her head, "Really? Bucky I love sitting here just reading with you. It's comforting."
Steve smiled.
And that was the way life had settled. Grace still had nightmares, but Loki was always there to pull here out, "Oh my darling you are so brave."
Grace looked up into Loki's eyes, "If I was brave I wouldn't need you to protect me from a dream."
Loki traced her cheek, "I want to protect you. You've gone through so much and I could not save you."
Grace hugged him, "What would I do with out my Loki Doki?"
He quietly laughed.

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