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Nat came into the room to check on Grace and saw Steve Bucky and Loki cuddled up on the couch and her friend giggling as she took a photo.
Nat chuckled, "How you doing kiddo."
Grace put away her phone, "A little better; still trying to grasp everything."
Nat smiled, "You ran comms like a champ. How did you know where to send them?"
Grace shrugged, "I just know. I can't explain it."
Nat chuckled and remembered meeting her for the first time; she was 8 and had peeked around Tony's office door, "So Stark who's that." Nat smiled and nodded towards the small form hiding and giggling.
Tony laughed, "That is Grace Rose my own little spy."
Nat was brought back to the present when 1 of 3 men loudly snored. Both women broke out into giggles, "Grace I think it would be a good idea to talk to a friend of Bruce's and Tony's."
Grace sighed, "If you think their friend could help I'll talk to them."
Nat nodded, "Ok get some rest. Bruce said you should be able to make breakfast with us."
Sitting in the kitchen Wanda Nat and Grace gathered in the corner and giggled over Grace's phone.
Bucky sipped his coffee, "What are they giggling about?"
Steve shrugged. Sam peeked over the girls, "Haha😂oh my god!"
He reached for Grace's phone and tossed it to Tony.
"Oh that is just precious." Tony chuckled and showed everyone else, "I didn't know you 3 were this cuddlely."
Thor munched on a pop tart, "Loki loves a good cuddle. When we were children-"
Loki cut him off, "You babbling bilgesnipe..."
Grace took her phone back, "I think it's adorable."
Steve sighed, "Princess please delete it."
Grace smiled, "No. It's sweet and I am keeping it."
Sam grinned, "Oh I am gonna want a copy."
Tony smirked, "We should hang it in the loby at the tower."
As the team teased her trio they were slowly surrounding Grace.
Nat watched as Grace seemed to casually reach for the fuirt basket and instead threw it at the 3 and bolted, "Run Gracie!" She laughed.
Bucky huffed, "You're in trouble now doll."
Grace ran past Bruce who at first was worried until he heard her giggle and saw Loki hot on her tail. In an effort to help Bruce pushed a chair in his path causing Loki to stumble.
Loki stood as Steve and Bucky passed him, "Oh you're in trouble now my little pet."
Grace made it out and dashed to the woods hiding behind a large honeysuckle bush to catch her breath.
Steve Bucky and Loki paused at the tree line. Bucky smirked, "Oh baby girl is in so much trouble."
Steve grinned, "I think she had been quietly planning to get in trouble for a bit."
Loki grinned, "Oh? I assume Captain you have a punishment picked out?"
Steve was about to answer when they heard a twig snap.
Grace unaware of how close her men were hid trying not to giggle. Suddenly Bucky jumped in front of her yelling, "BOO!"
Grace tipped and went to run when bumped into Loki, "Hello darling."
Grace with adrenaline pumping turned again to find Steve had boxed her in, "You know you're in big trouble princess."
Nervous Grace bit her lip, "Truce?"
Steve bent close to her tracing her cheek, "Not a chance."
The walk to the partially secluded cottage was charged with excited tension.
Inside Grace turned and faced the hungry faces of her trio, "Should I fix you guys some-"
She was cut off by Steve who kissed her as if she was his breakfast, "Bucky... Please carry our run away to the bed room."
Grace looked up confused as Bucky scooped her, "With pleasure."
Loki and Steve followed.
Steve watched as Bucky set her down then step back, "Loki... Will you do the honors of undressing our girl."
Loki licked his lips, "It would be an honor Captain."
Grace shivered as Loki took his time until she was nude. Feeling both bold and yet shy Grace tried to hide.
Steve stepped up, "No don't hide... You're beautiful, and in trouble; do you know why Gracie?"
Grace swallowed a nervous lump in her throat, "Yes sir.... I think."
Steve grinned, "You're in trouble for running. No matter what don't run from us."
Steve traced her jaw line, "I promise if you do everything you're told you will be rewarded; ok baby girl?"
Grace nodded, "Yes sir."
Bucky mumbled, "God sir sounds so sexy coming from her lips."
Steve smiled, "If you need a break or things are too much I want you to say shield got it?"
Grace nodded. Steve gave her a stern look, "Words Gracie. I need to hear them."
Grace swallowed another nervous lump, "Yes sir."
Steve smiled, "Good. I want you on all fours on the bed. Each of us are going to give you 3 spankings."
Grace's eyes went wide, but she did as told, "Yes sir."
Grace positioned herself facing away from her trio. Nervous butterflies crept up her spine. She knew she was in no real danger, a little voice in her mind pleaded with her to scream shield, but Grace wasn't going to. She was going to be bold and brave.
It felt like an eternity of waiting before Steve spoke, "I want you to count." He said tracing her back side.
Suddenly; SWAT! 
Grace yipped, "1!"
Steve smiled again tracing her bottom before another SWAT!
Grace gritted her teeth, "2!"
Steve really didn't enjoy the punishment part of being a "Dom" as today's culture would say; and Grace was normally always a "good girl", but he knew part of Grace would always test boundaries and for her safety and that of his family he had to step up.
SWAT! "3!" Grace yelped
Steve smiled, "Go ahead Bucky."
Bucky had watched as Steve took control. Grace had gone through so much and was given a huge responsibility; many would not understand that in a small way what they were doing was freeing a little bit of her so she could heal and take care of all that came with being an all powerful deity.
Bucky traced Steve's red palm marks that painted her back side, "You're pretty little bottom up in the air makes me wish I was doing anything but punishing you doll, but you ran from us and could have gotten hurt."
Grace whispered, "I'm sorry."
Bucky's heart nearly shattered, but Steve had already given the punishment, "I know baby girl. Count for me."
Bucky raised his hand and as it made contact Grace struggled not to flinch or cry, "1!"
Bucky bent and kissed the fresh mark before standing and again landing a hand on her, "2!" Grace's strained voice whimpered.
Bucky again lovingly kissed the spot before landing his final blow.
"3!" Grace couldn't help the tear that fell as her voice cracked.
Bucky laid a final kiss on the bright red hand mark and stepped away.
Steve took a breath, "You're doing so well Gracie; Loki." Steve motioned for the man to take his turn. Loki bowed and went to Grace.
Loki was carefully watching incase either got carried away or Grace was too stubborn to use the safe word the Captain had given her.
He was pleased to see both men were kind and loving in their dispensing of her punishment. Grace had also surprised him in her response to it all.
Loki gently traced his finger along the dampened slit of her womanhood, "I am surprised, but not unpleased; are you enjoying this?"
Grace visibly blushed all over her body, but didn't answer.
Loki call a cooling to his fingers as he traced her spine, "Your delightful blush is answer enough my sweetling. Count for me."
Grace yipped as Loki's first strike landed, "1!"
A cooling touch traced the spot cutting some of the sting, but only for a moment.
"2!" Grace cried out as Loki landed his second. She balled the sheets in her hands detrimed to see this through.
Loki used a cooling touch to ease the pain before, "3!" Grace cried out her knees giving out.
Steve and Bucky quickly came over. Grace tried to hide her tear stained face.
Steve sat beside her, "Oh my sweet girl you did so well."
He turned her head to face him and gently kissed her, "Don't hide anything from us.... Not even your tears."
Grace tried to get to her knees but found that she was scooped up by Bucky and placed in his lap, "You held so well baby girl." He cooed in her ear kissing her cheek.
Loki sat on the other side and kissed her shoulder, "I am so proud of you sæta."

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