All of the first times

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Crimson blood followed the arc of his dagger movements and ended up splashing onto his skin, contradicting the pale color. As mesmerizing as the scene was, Nagi Seishiro despised it, for cleaning himself and the crime scene up would be a hassle. On the other hand, he was in the middle of nowhere, so it would be acceptable if he neglected his responsibility as an assassin now, right? The cops would never be able to track him down anyway, best they could do was find the person who hired him, his benefactors, or so they called.

- Such a gorgeous curve you drew up just now. - A figure emerged from the dark, it seemed like this person had been watching Nagi without him, a veteran assassin, acknowledging.

Nagi got on his guard instantly, his gray eyes staring a hole into the hooded shadow. Facing the confrontation from an assassin, the aforementioned figure seemed unfazed, intrigued even. This was not the first time he failed to scare off someone, but this was indeed the first time someone made him feel this insecure. Not letting the so-called conversation die down, the shadow continued, this time letting Nagi hear more of his voice:

- Nagi Seishiro. A free-lance worker. Or an assassin, to be precise. Aged 22 years old, graduated from a decent university, somehow ended up doing the dirty work for the rich. But that much is none of my concern. You are hunting in my turf, Nagi Seishiro. - He confronted.

Nagi cocked his head to the side. What's with this wolf-level of possessiveness? He had encountered a number of mafias before, but he had yet to be confronted for trespassing territories, thus he felt humored by the way the man guarded his so-called turf.

- I'm free to work where I like. - He calmly retorted.

- I'm afraid not. - The hooded man stepped up and removed his cloak as he said - Us mafia have our own rules. And everyone, including you assassins, will follow it, because disobeying results in death.

With the last word spat out, the man, who was revealed to be a purple haired man with a shorter and thinner figure than Nagi, lunged at him, a violet dagger in hand. Nagi was not surprised at how the other man acted, but he was taken aback by how well-dressed the opponent was, due to the fact that he had always thought the wealthy ones, like this guy, often hire other people to do this kind of job for them. This one is interesting enough, he thought. First time fighting someone smaller than him, Nagi would be sure to not go easy on the opponent.

Nagi dodged the dagger and easily caught his opponent by his wrist. The assassin was about to deliver his first blow to the opponent when the purple haired man pulled out yet another dagger and spinned out of Nagi's sight, to his back. The smaller man clinged onto him while letting his daggers hover deadly accurate above Nagi's main blood vein, and even managed to lock his arms in a painful position with his legs. It pissed Nagi off how his arms were way more muscular than his opponent's legs but he was still trapped.

The first taste of defeat irritated Nagi to no end. He took a mental note to be more careful next time and prepared himself to pry off the man on his back when his opponent spoke:

- Let's rest for now, shall we?

With that said, the dagger slipped through his skin, but not enough to make him bleed. Nagi felt the hands holding him loosened, so he took the chance to break free. Facing the violet haired man, Nagi saw his arrogant smirk as the man retrieved his daggers.

A sudden rage surged over Nagi's body, sending him charging forward. There was a voice ringing in his head, ordering him to turn that annoying smirk into a distorted expression. Nagi was determined to crush that pretty purple man under his body. His action was fast, but his opponent seemed to have expected it to happen. All he did was stand still with his arms crossed, letting a provocative gaze fall onto Nagi.

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