Castle visit

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<Russia POV>

Russia: "Ngggh, What happened?"

I lifted myself dazed of the hard floor. The only thing I remember is this guy that showed up and killed these knights. It didn't help that I have a splitting headache. When I was about to stand up and put pressure on my left foot I immediately fell down again with a thud. My ankle must have gotten worse.

At least my thud seemed to have alerted Germany and America. They both, well more like only Germany, lifted me of the ground onto a hard bench. My eyes had to adjust to the darkness in the Room.

Me: "Why the fuck is it so dark?"

I could barely see my hand. But I did notice a small bluish light shining into the room. It must be in the middle of the night. I did notice some green elements in the dark.

America: "Because we are in a fucking cell, you moron. What else do you expect after being knocked out?"

Me: "Sorry that I just woke up!"

God, America was annoying. Did he really expect that I would knew or did he just wanted to make me angry. His sarcasm, like it was the most obvious thing certainly supported the second option. 

When my eyes had finally adjusted to the light I could finally confirm Americas claim. It was a cell. A dark, rotting, uncomfortable and disgusting cell. I could see moose build up on the wall and the metal on the door started rusting. But the cell still looked strong as ever.

Germany: "Are you ok?"

Me: "I don't think so, I probably sprained my ankle after that bastard Patches pushed us."

Germany: "We need to treat the ankle, before it gets worse."

America: "And how exactly are we going to do that. We don't have any medical supply or even proper knowledge of how to treat such a wound. I don't think our captor is going to let us out or send anyone to help us."

This is getting worse and worse. With not much to do I started looking around the cell from the bench. Maybe I can see a possible way out. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything. The stones looked so fragile. But when I touched the wall behind me, it was rock solid, not even the slightest movement. I wanted to observe further, but was interrupted by a frustrated sigh from America.

America: "Rggh, This mission is getting better and better! First we get pushed down a cliff! Then we get attacked by a couple of weird looking knights! Only to be saved and then be imprisoned by the exact same person that saved us!"

I think we all were frustrated. After all help would only arrive tomorrow. And then they also need to storm, what my guess is a castle. The only help that also could do something like that would only be able to arrive in a couple of days. Further thoughts were interrupted by loud banging on the door before we heard a key opening the door.

A group of people looking almost exactly like the knights from before stepped into the cell. The only difference is that the green part was replaced with black. In the dark we could barely see the expression on their faces. From what I could see their faces were stoic, no expression whatsoever.

They started approaching us. Germany slightly nervous lifted his hands up and America started getting into a fighting stand. Was he really going to fight a group of trained soldiers without any weapon?

Germany: "H-Hey, I think we can talk about this. W-We don't need to do something drastic."

Before he could continue saying anything, one of his hands was grabbed and pulled behind his back, the other soon after. They started tying a rope around his hands. So we are getting taken somewhere.

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