Chapter 1

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Charlotte POV

Slipping on my tan cardigan I wrap my strap around my body. Opening my cabinet, I pick up a quick protein bar before heading downstairs. 

Opening my front door, I lock it behind me, taking only a few steps to unlock the clear door. 

Garden of Nara, my little garden of happiness, and the shop that I pride myself in owning. After dropping out of college, my parents supported my vision by gifting me my home and shop.

They always knew it was my dream to be a florist, and due to my mental decline, they wanted to make sure that I know their support. While they retired and live in a little home in Mexico, and my little sister lives her life in LA as a journalist I find myself living up north. 

I hate the cold, but I fell in love with New York, from community to community, food, and culture, it has become a home. 

Stepping inside, I turn the open sign, pulling up the blinds I let the flowers sit in display. As the light shines through I set the house plants and small potted plants aside. To soak in the specs of sun and natural light. 

Setting my bag behind the counter, I step into my office to pull out my sign. 

Erasing the chalkboard, I write a new quote of the day, "Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower."

Satisfied by the words, I sketch little yellow Daffodils since they're in season. Stepping outside, I set it up, "Good Morning Charlotte!"

I look over, to see Mr. Singh, a nice old South Asian man who owns the mini-mart next door. When I first moved here he welcomed me with a tray of gulab jamun and often came next door to introduce me to the community and to make sure I'm ok.

He has become one of my closest friends, "Morning Mr. Singh! How are you today?"

He gives me a warm smile, "I'm good, my granddaughter is visiting me today."

I smile brightly, "I'm glad! I haven't seen her in a while! I'll make sure to stop by later to deliver her favorites."

He nods, "No no no, I still owe you from the other batches of flowers you sent our way."

I chuckle, "You know you're my special customer, you don't have to pay for a dime."

He shakes his head stubbornly, "That's not good business practice!"

Lecturing me, I can't help but chuckle, "I'm sorry but I'm not charging family for flowers."

This makes him sigh in defeat, giving me a small smile, "Oh Charlotte, you're too kind."

His thick accent, fills my heart with warmth, bidding him farewell, I head back inside. Starting on some pick up's, my day goes by smoothly as customers come in and out with a flower or plant in hand. 

Hearing the bell jingle I look up to see Maria, my employee and best friend. 

"Good morning Maria!"

She laughs a bit, "It's 1 pm Charlotte."

I sigh, "The morning went by too fast!"

Yarning, the need for an afternoon nap starts to creep in. Watching her drop her stuff on in the back, she clips on her name tag.

"Pick us up some coffee, I can take it from here."

I smile at her gratefully, grabbing my head before marching to the door, "Cappuccino with Triple expresso?"

She thinks for a moment, "I'm feeling a Sugar Cookie Latté!"

I chuckle a bit, "Gotcha, I'll be back in a bit!"

Stepping out, I walk down the street, getting the locals and familiar faces along the way. Stepping into the cafe, I get hit by the fresh aroma of coffee and steam. Crazy Beans has the best danishes in the fucking city, my opinion of course but I cheated on them once and I won't do it again.

Stepping in line I wait for my turn, feeling eyes on me, I look around, only seeing the usual fluctuation of customers who sit and work or relax throughout the day. Seeing the customer in front of me head out with three drinks I step in.

"Morning Larry!"

The teen smiles, "Morning Charlotte, what can I get for you today?"

"Can I get a Sugar Cookie Latté, an Apple Danish, and a black coffee."

Tapping on the screen he smiles, telling me the total I slip it out of my wallet. Inserting my card, I put a couple of dollars in the tip jar. Once my transaction is complete I wait on the side for my drinks, munching on my danish peacefully.

Hearing Larry call my name, I pick up the tray, leaving the cafe with a satisfied tummy, and a skip in my step. Returning to the shop, Maria finishes up with a client, handing her drinks she smiles with glee.

"You're a lifesaver!"

Nodding, I take a sip of the bitter drink, "I don't know how you can drink that shit, that's an old man's drink."

I chuckle, "And you're is just pure sugar and sprinkles."

She laughs a bit, getting another order, I start on it while she handles the customers. Hours go by and the shop slows down I look at the time, "You can head out early if you want Marie."


I nod, "Yeah, it's gonna rain later and I don't want you to get caught up."

"Thank you so much!"

Bidding her farewell, I finish the last customer before getting the broom. Sweeping the place, I toss out the dust and trash. Watering some of the plants the bell rings again.

A man with blondish brown hair and blue eyes steps in, I smile, looking up at the man, "Welcome to the Garden of Nara, how can I help you today?"

The man seems confident but nervous at the same time if that makes sense, must be getting a gift for his mom or girlfriend. 

"I want to get a bouquet of flowers, please."

I step away from behind the counter, "Of course! If I may ask, what's the occasion?"

He rubs the back of his head, "I wanna get some flowers for a friend."

I smile, "Any specifics, wanna get some flowers based on color, meaning, comparability?"

He thinks for a moment, "Meaning."

I nod, leading him to my selections, "Let's see, I have daffodils, they represent new beginnings, joy, and good fortune, and there in season. There's also the classic yellow roses, symbolizing friendship, happiness, and new beginnings. And one of my favorites is alstroemeria, an elegant flower to a special friend to celebrate the strength and devotion of your friendship."

Looking up at the man he's already looking at me, "Is something wrong sir?"

He comes back to reality, "No, nothing's wrong, I'd like the alstroemeria's please."

I chuckle at his botched pronunciation, "It's alstroemeria."

I say it slowly, watching my lips he says it again, doing so perfectly.

I smile at him brightly, "You got it!"

Walking off to my crafting station, I wrap the flowers up, entering the amount on the touchpad, I give him his total. Paying for it I smile, "Thank you for by!"

He nods, "Thank you."

Walking out, I continue cleaning up, 30 minutes pass, allowing me to pull down the blinds and turn the close sign. 

Today has been another perfect day!

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