I'm a Lycan - Accept That.

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                I started this new school, Eavebridge, and it freaks me out a bit. It's not the school its self, the school is just a large stone building that reminds me of my primary residential which was in a converted castle. It wasn't the fact that it was a new school. I'd moved before. It was the students. They all looked at me like I was some kind of freak, a monster. I suppose I am, in a way. I'm a lycan. In other words, a human that can shift into a wolf. I just feel a little left out. Is it really my fault that I was dared by my friends to do this thing where you write something down 15 times a day for 3 months untill it works? Ok, I guess it is, cos it was me that decided to write, 'I will be able to shapeshift into a wolf' 15 times, but it's kinda cool. But they don't know I can shift, do they? Well, if they do, I'll just have to cope, cos I can't - and don't want to - change it. In fact, it probably isn't cos I'm a wolf. It might be that I'm wearing my old school uniform. Yes. That must be it. It couldn't be anything else. Could it?

I trailed off to RME. Today. we were discussing different rituals, and if anyone had tried any, as a joke, I expect. The teacher said stuff like offerings and incense. She then mentioned the exact thing I had done. 15 times.

''Has anyone here tried this?'' She asked, her voice saturated with sarcasm.

I raised my hand shakily. Her mouth twitched, it was obvious she didn't believe it.

''Could you expand? What did you do?'' the evil pig asked.

I shook my head. She forced me to confess, though.

''I... I became a lycan''  I stuttered.

''Oh, did you,'' the cow said, clearly not believing me. ''Why don't you prove it?''

''OK! I will, and I hope it scares you!'' I shouted, mad. Concentrating hard, I felt the power inside me and pulled it to the surface. I felt the familiar prickle as the hair came through my skin. I felt my bones change and strengthen, my skull disfigure, the teeth sliding through my gums like claws from a cats paws. My muscles changed subtly, grew stronger, and I knew I could do anything. They would only see my wolf form when I opened my eyes. I waited 'till I heard laughter. Then, my hunter's eyes flew open, and I took in shocked glances. Then, I caught sight of the teacher, in a faint on the floor, and I let out a rough coughing bark, my way of laughing in wolf form. I flicked back to my human form, still laughing uncontrollably. I stopped laughing when I saw the hostile glares the students were firing.

''Hey, hey, calm down... I can't help who I am...'' I defended.


''Get out''

''Go away! We don t want freaks here!''

They were the kinder reactions. Then, from the back, who must have been the most popular kid in the school, came a girl the same age as me.

''Hey guys back off! Leave the poor girl alone!'' She shouted. To me she whispered, ''What's your name, anyway?''

''I'm Ayame. It means female wolf. I used to be Amy, but I changed it,'' I addmitted.

''I'm Fenris. I used to be called Fergie, and before that  Francis. It means mythical monster wolf, and I think it suits me. You should see me in wolf form!''

''You... you're a wolf?!'' I stuttered, taken completely by surprise.

''Yeah!'' she said casually. ''We all are here!''

''Then why did they call me a freak?''

''Well... your wolf is very... very... very, er, distinctive. It's kinda... bold. You're a bright white colour with blue eyes. That is not meant to be possible amongst Lycans. Also, you are far bigger than us, and your muscles are... well defined,'' she finished.

''Oh!'' Was all I could manage. ''Well then... I'll see you in gym!''

I left quickly. Little did I know that gym would be a huge test of my physical and mental abilities as my other self...

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