Instinct is Called

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So, I walked into the gym hall. The teacher said to us, Right, girls, it's up to you what we do today. First, though, transform!"

Around me, the other girls were quivering with silent laughter. I realized I had been tricked earlier by that girl at RME. She wasn't a wolf. None of them were. They all shut their eyes, tried really hard, and one by one, collapsed laughing on the floor. Evidently, the teacher was in on it too. They all remained giggling, teenage girls.

'You want me to transform?' I thought. 'Then I will!'

I did the same as before; shut my eyes and concentrated really hard. I opened them, and looked at myself. I was a glorious white she-wolf, and my muscles were well defined. I growled quietly, but so ferociously that the hall immediately went silent. I jumped at a replying growl from the bottom of the hall. Ok, one of them is a wolf. I leapt forwards, snarling and baring my teeth. I launched myself into the air at the other wolf. It was only when I bit her, and her shape changed again, that I realized it was the teacher. But the teacher was at the other end of the room, which meant... No. There couldn't be a shapeshifter here. Could there? She changed again, into a lioness, roaring out her hurt and pride. I would have listned, but wolvish instincts took over, and I leaped for her throat. I hit home, and clung on untill she lost conciousness. Then, I let go. I stalked out of gym with my tail held high and my hackles up, and no one came near me. Just as well, cos they wouldn't have walked away again. I heard howling way off in the distance. Shoot. That had to be when I was in wolf form, didn't it! My instincts leapt again, and I burst out of the school and followed the packs howls. I glanced back, just once, at the huge school I was leaving behind, before I fled into the night.

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