14. Finally becoming...

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"A true friend isn't the one who makes your problems disappear, a true friend is the one who won't disappear when you're facing your problems.

"A true friend isn't the one who makes your problems disappear, a true friend is the one who won't disappear when you're facing your problems

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(A/N: Long chapter, but something good will happen in this)

Fei and Ben lead the others to the basement to see a giant glowing orange ball of light, it was the Kugelblitz.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Fei asked as they were all looking at the Kugelblitz.

Five was standing in front of you, making sure that you were keeping a distance from the Kugelblitz, so you wouldn't get pull into it like Marcus was.

"Oh, wow" Diego said and Lila scoffs "That's what took Stanley" she said.

"Along with a few other billion people" Fei said "Yeah, who I didn't know and don't care about" Lila said as she walked around the Kugelblitz "Right. So it's all about you" Fei said.

"All of us are irrelevant. This thing's gonna take the whole damn universe" Five said as he stared at the kugelblitz.

"What is it made of?" he asked "Micro black holes collapsing at increasingly short intervals" Sloane answered "Why aren't we getting sucked inside?" Five asked "We don't know. You shouldn't exist here, and neither should this" Sloane said "An impossibility for an impossibility" Five said and clicked his tongue "The universe is a sucker for balance" he said "Grace has been tracking the waves. Next one is due in three hours" Fei said.

"All right, so what do we do?" Diego asked "We trap it" Sloane said "Dyson sphere?" Five asked "Yeah" Sloane said with a nod.

Five nodded before he clicked his tongue "Okay" he said before he took a step toward Sloane "Confinement factor?" he asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and Sloane lightly turned her head and gave a slight smile to him as she tilted her head a bit "0.98 at peak energy flux" she responded "Tensile strength?" Five asked "UTS ceiling of 10,000 gigapascals" Sloane said causing Diego and Luther to share a look in confusing, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Should I be finding this hot?" Lila asked "No" both Diego and Luther responded "Yes. I do" you said as you looked at Five.

"What do you think, Five?" Allison asked from across the basement where she was leaning against one of the walls "Could work. Or we could all die horribly" Five said before he looked at you who nodded.

If this could work, they would live and Five and you would be able to start a new life together.

Five then looked at Sloane before he clicked his tongue "I'm in" he said "You're not the one we need" Ben said "Excuse you?" Allison asked him "For this to work, we need, Sloane, Lila, Christopher, Y/n, and--" "Viktor" Allison said with a scoffed, cutting Fei off "Of course" Allison said.

"Yeah 'cause your powers are useless" you said and Allison glanced at you "What are you gonna do, are you gonna say 'I heard a rumor you stopped kugleblitzing' to the kugelblitz 'cause that is not gonna work because the kugleblitz isn't a person" you said and Allison sent you a death glare but Five walked up next to you before sending her a more killer and angry glance at Allison. Like he was telling her with his eyes that if she made a move on you, he will take her down before she could get the chance to open her mouth.

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