Portland, Oregon ❤️ 12/21

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Min Ho POV

After kitty's family was done cuddling her, they turned to me and rushed over to me. Two girls approached me "you must be the famous Min Ho. It's nice to meet I'm Lara Jean Song Covey and next to me is our older sister Margot Song Covey"

Somehow I felt nervous meeting kitty's sisters. Afterwards two guys approached us as well

"Covey let the kid breath his probably nervous right know" I remembered a picture of kitty with her sisters and there boyfriend's. So this was Peter kavinsky and Choi Ha-Joon

"We will show you a great time while in portland" said Peter

Kitty came towards me with his dad and step-mom"Guys why you ganging up on Min Ho you're gonna scare him off or he will tell you off"

I just grinned and chuckled at them"kitty don't be absured I am not gonna tell your family off"

Mr Covey introduced himself and I rode home in his car with kitty and Trina. While kitty's sisters drove in Peter's car.

When we got home kitty's sisters had arrived before us surprising her with a welcoming party 🥳. She was so loved and cherished. I got to know her dad more as well Peter and Ha-Joon.

Kitty's POV
Min Ho looked happy to be here with me and my family. He got along with everyone. Plus he helped Lara Jean make some korean food and helped Margot organize everything when the party was done. Peter and Ha-Joon got along with him as well and promised to take him out tomorrow.

He seemed like a different person or maybe it's that he had always been like that and broke out of his shell. Which meant his confession was important and I had to take it seriously.

I started to head upstairs when Gogo and LJ grabbed me and shoved me into my room.

"Spill so what's going on between you and Min Ho?" Lara Jean asked

"Well umm he confessed to me on the way here in the airplane so I'm trying to think about this seriously but there's to much things going on at the same time I'm confused and I need your advices"

Gogo sat next to me"First are things done with Dae before you start feeling something for someone else"

I took a deep breath and came out with it "I'm unsure of my sexuality recently during my semester at KISS I developed a crush on a girl named Yuri and those feeling towards her have not dissapeared. I broke things off with Dae because I didn't feel the same way for him anymore and things were different we had changed through these four years. I'm Currently trying to figure out who I am".

They both hugged me "Aww sweety you know that we will always love you no matter who you date or fall in love with. Just do what your heart tells you to do"

I felt so reassured to have My sisters support and Min Ho's as well.

"There's more then that I got expelled from KISS and I also found out mom had a first love named Simon but know I won't be able to find him since I can't go back to KISS. I need your help finding him"

Gogo looked shocked so did LJ "We will help you don't worry about it and also we will figure a way to get you back to KISS it wasn't your fault it was your roommates fault" said Gogo angry

The door slowly opened up revealing dad and the guys. They all looked like they had done nothing wrong

"Peter kavinsky why are you eavesdropping on the Song sisters this is a private conversation" said LJ

"Well Covey listen it's for a good cause we want to help kitty out in any way"said peter

"And you Ha-Joon your better then this your not a child" said Gogo

"Margo what Peter said was true we want to help kitty and well my uncle is a secret investigator we can start from there" said Ha-Joon

We all then turned to look at dad and Min Ho

"So what is you guys excuse" We said in union

"Well I am your dad and I might have something that can help a journal that belonged to your mom"

"Min Ho what about you" I asked

"Well love I'm your support and punching bag. I'm your friend and I will stay here always okay. Also my parents went to KISS during the time your mom went so I can make the effort to speak with my dad for you"

Min Ho POV

While we all stood behind that door hearing the secret conversation between sisters. Peter and Ha-Joon made a plane to help the sisters out with finding the truth about there mothers first love.

I briefly gave a sum up of what had happened and I explained to them about Simon. Dr. Covey told us that Mrs.Covey had mentioned something about a Simon and there was a second journal. He mentioned the year that his wife had gone to KISS I realized my parents had been at KISS during that time. Talking to father had been hard but something told me inside that he would know something. Mom was busy so he was the only other choice.

Kitty observed me and grabbed my hand walking away from everyone with me. We sat on her porch with a worried expression on her face

"Why would you put yourself through that pain Min Ho knowing that you will get hurt seeing your dad" Kitty said

"I told you because I decided what I want and I am strong enough to face the man that cheated on my mother and left me behind. kitty it's something I should've done a long time ago. What I need is your support plus we will also find out some info about your mum"

Wow I looked up at the sky there was a full moon out. We just sat there kitty put her head on my shoulder in silence when inside of me I knew she was upset about what I was gonna do but at the same time was supportive. She was comforting me here under the moonlight in her way. Kitty's phone buzzed on her lap I saw the name on the screen it was Yuri.

The phone buzzed once more and kitty looked at it and then at me

"Pick it up and decide what to do I'll be here no matter your choice. Don't try to decide because you feel pain or upset towards me. Follow what your heart says. I'll just be inside but before I got up she stopped me and grabbed onto my hand

"I'll follow my heart thanks again Min Ho"

I slowly walked back inside leaving kitty in the dark with the moonlight as her only companion. Peter and Ha-Joon asked me if I was okay but honestly I wasn't. They knew and they patted me on the shoulder

Kitty's POV

Why did my heart break when he got up and leave. I clicked accept on the call

"Hello Yuri"...

******Hope you enjoy chapter 2!!!******

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