Chapter 15:The End?? Part 5

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"Hahahaha oh now that's what I call a fun duel don't you think"zarc says after watching the duel between Ray and Shay,gong and sylvio

"You you MONSTERS!!!"Lina yells in anger

"Aw thank you I know I am hehe"

"Their sacrifice will not be in vain now we know how ray duels"Declan said only for Zarc to retort his statement

"Correction you know how powerful ray is using 10% of her decks full power"

"And how would you know you said it yourself she changed her deck"Roa says to zarc who just smiles maniacally

"Hahaha as a pro duelist and to be completely honest the best duelist I can tell when someone is going full force and that my friends wasn't it"

With Hao and gold

After the explosion they saw Hao and Gold started to head towards zarc defeating some obelisk force members that got in their way

"I have a bad feeling about this Hao"

"Me too Gold but there is no way I'm allowing that monster to do what he wishes"as Hao and gold get close to the area Zarc is in they bump into Kaiba and Joey

"Kaiba,Joey good to see that you two are alright"Hao says for Joey to only frown

"Oh come on Hao did you honestly think this mask guys can beat joey wheeler"

"For once I agree with wheeler these obelisk force people are pathetic using the exact same strategies no matter the opponent their 8th rate duelist with 9th rate decks"

"Yeah I can agree on that"Hao says then he notices someone behind joey and kaiba as he gets a good look his eyes widen as he grins

"Mai valentine is that you?!"

The person behind joey and Kaiba was Mai valentine the girl with blond hair and purple jacket who was Hao best friend

"Hey there Hao it's been awhile hasn't"

"Yeah how long has it been 8 years since I last saw you"

"Yep that's about right"

"Wait but what are you doing here"

"Oh please Joey told me about your tournament and how you are going to participate it was the perfect way to say hello after so long unfortunately it seems that your messing will some invaders"

"Yeah...oh we have to get going Kaiba,Joey you two know exactly why"

They nod as they all continue to head over to zarc

Back with zarc

"So what do you think Declan your half sister is very powerful isn't she"zarc says to Declan with a malicious smirk

"I do have to admit if my sister wasn't under your control and fought with us academia would stand no chance"Declan says adjusting his glasses

"Though I have to ask why are you doing this it can't just be something as simple as for the fun of it"

"Hmmm your half right part of this is just for the fun of it but it is also for revenge"

"Revenge revenge on who??"Roa asks raising his eyebrow

"Revenge on the world for turning its back at me but I think that's enough talk it is time for you to join Shay,sylvio and gong"


"Hmmm"zarc turns to the left where he sees Hao and the others

"Now who are you??"

"The names Hao yuki but you can call me The dark hero"

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