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"i literally hate jiwoong so much. he knows how anxious i get going to new places on my own in general, let alone going to his stupid dance school," gyuri whispered to herself in an irritated tone as she quickly walked through the corridors of byul dance academy.

jiwoong had forgotten his outfit for their audition dress rehearsal at home, and begged gyuri to drop it off for him. she refused many times, but he managed to convince her by saying there wasn't enough time for him to come home and then go back to the school.

as gyuri turned a corner, silently praying she was going the right way, a voice called out to her.

"kim gyuri? is that you?"

no way. this is so embarrassing.

she spun around to face lee jeonghyeon.

wow. does this school only accept good looking people? i should've accepted his offer to date when i had the chance!

"it is you! it's been a while, do you even remember me?" he asked with a big smile on his face.

"of course i remember you jeonghyeon, how are you?" gyuri replied cautiously. the last time the two had spoken was when the brunette girl rejected the brunette boy. awkward.

"i'm good, you?"

"i'm good too."

"what are you doing here? you don't study at byul do you?"

"no, i'm dropping something off for my brother jiwoong. do you study here?" gyuri knew jeonghyeon studied here, but it was too embarrassing to let people know that she actually kept up with them - she didn't want to seem too interested.

"yeah! i don't know if you remember, but i moved halfway through middle school. just a little bit after i asked you out, actually."

now why did he have to mention that.

"oh... you still remember that?" gyuri wished the ground would swallow her up, as it would be less painful than this conversation.

he laughed, seeming unaffected. "my friends still tease me over it, how could i forget? it was the only time i confessed to someone, and the only time i got rejected."

that made gyuri feel even worse. "i'm really sorry about it! if it makes you feel any better, i still get teased about it too."

"it's alright, it's funny to look back on."

"i guess."

HYPE BOY, zb1Where stories live. Discover now