True Nature (2)

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I think I'm always going to add the song I listen to when I write the story up top, just to set the mood. This may offend some people. If so, that wasn't my intention, I was just exploring a concept.

If you enjoy the story, do give it a like, comment even. It's greatly appreciated(•ᴗ•)b

Word count: 920

Humans are peculiar creatures. Although bound by their mortality, hundreds foolishly ruin their lives for petty commodities. They are irrational fools, making a show of themselves and their ego when they live a life full of sin.

"Why would such lowly creatures dare think themselves worthy of standing by the immortals?"

The wine in her glass swirled, forming an enticing whirlpool.

"Mistress, what shall we make of him?"

Her eyes carried from her butler to the man at her feet: tall, well-groomed, with sharp brown eyes. His body rippled with muscles and fine hair. He was the epitome of masculinity, and yet she found him repulsive. Even more peculiar, he was married and came seeking her hand.

Here is another with enough ego to swallow a cow whole.

"Mark his skin and send him back to his dear wife," she said, smirking at the growing fear in his eyes. "I'm sure she'll be delighted to see her lovely husband with my seal."

She watched with delight as they seared his chest with her brand. His eyes burst with tears as his skin bubbled under the scorching iron. His throat grew raw, bellowing cries of agony from his breath. He collapsed, shaking, overwhelmed by the sharp throbbing of his wound. The guard dragged his trembling body into the great hall, and he was sent away, back to the realm of the living.

"Mistress, why send him to his wife?" her butler questioned. "Will the woman not cry as she realizes her husband was unfaithful?"

The woman hummed faintly, tapping her sharp nails on her armrest. "Tell me, Sebastian, is a man's pride not the most fragile part of his being? Is it not for his ego that he parades his endeavours through the streets? Have you forgotten the essence that separates you from women?"

"You make arguments I cannot rebuke," he replied. "But it pains me to think you would compare me to them."

She raised a brow, asking him to lean down. He didn't move far until her hand had grasped his chin, forcing his face dangerously close to hers.

"You are more like the pride-sicken fools than you think if my little comment was hurtful, Sebastian."

She trailed her fingers along his defined jaw, feeling the softness of his skin. Her hand inches towards his neck, running her thumb along his Adam's apple. He swallowed nervously, questioning her intentions and gasped, eyes rolling back as pressure grew on his neck.

He fell to his knees, and she released him, satisfied with his reaction. Those few seconds of ecstasy fogged his mind as he gazed at the woman's lustrous eyes.

Her eyes were sharp with long fluttering lashes, and her lips were plump and glossy, soft pink; her skin, devoid of any flaw, was peachy in tone, glistening under the candlelight. Her white dress, held by a gold band at the neck, exposed a teasing view of her cleavage but hid no secret to the tone of her legs, protruding from the long slits of the dress' tulle. Her blond hair, long and wispy, sprawled around her, lightly waving in her ethereal glamour.

The woman he called mistress, the immortal who guarded the gate: Lunam.

She peeled her eyes away from him and stood, walking down the few steps on her elevated throne. "All men are inherently made the same, with the same pulsions are their brothers. What makes a gent different from the lawless is their control of self. Are you able to stop your hand from enacting the perversions that occupy your mind and spirit? Is your mouth forever free from spouting horrors without restraint? Tell me, Sebastian, is a man free of his human nature?"

"No, Mistress, he is not," he replied. "And in that sense, he will never be free of his human nature."

The corners of her lips twitched into a smile, barely noticeable. "And are you so different from the mortals who come begging me for favours?"

Sebastian held her gaze and chuckled, rising to impose his height on her. She was not intimidated but rather amused by his display. He brought a strand of her hair to his lips, inhaling the intoxicating fragrance. His half-lidded eyes bore into hers, inviting her to fall under his charm, which beneath many would suffocate.

But he fell prey to hers, so alluring in their shine, hypnotizing him to submission. His hand dropped, watching her walk away. A few strides further, she stopped.

"Mortal or forever living, you are all the same, eternally bound to your natural state."

She left the room, the door closing with an echoing thud. Sebastian, frozen in place, chuckled in the empty space. He grasped his pounding chest; his face grew hot, and his mouth heavy with pants. Sweating despite the chills running through his body, he fell to one knee, thirsty and rasping with each breath. His iris twitched aggressively in the growing whites of his eyes. He was growing insane with lust.

There was no denying her words. She was right about him. He had tried to save his pride, but her temptation was great. He had tried hiding his desires, only for his body to burst. Sebastian was like every other man but remained a gent as his contract prescribed.

Had she freed me from her hand, I could not imagine the horrors I would commit.

"I am no different from them," he whispered. "Weak to you as potent wine, easily drunk and swayed by your glamour."

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