I want you dead, Nagito

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A white haired young man lay awake in his bed amidst the lonely late night, clutching his blanket; in search of warmth to embrace him and melt his coldness away. 

His usual wan face was alarmingly feverish tonight. He tried to reach for his phone with the plan to call for help but his body wasn't cooperative, the slightest of movements leaves him breathless. 

He turned to the window, the natural light emanating from the moon danced in his restless eyes. There were tears, even his body couldn't contain the pain that it cried for him. 

He had always been sickly, luck is the only thing that is keeping him alive. If it wasn't for luck, he would have decomposed. 

But in his entire life, never did he cry over a typical aching. This was the first and definitely spontaneous. 

Sorrow is synonymous with despair; crying is a taboo for him. 

So with his faltering strength, he forced himself to wipe the tears. 


The masked offender absconded, a stolen scooter as his getaway vehicle and a mass destruction behind his non-existent ass. 

He wore a triumphant smile underneath his silly farce, although the clown masquerade he put on was already a clear illustrative of such childishness but his wrongdoings are unpardonable. 

He's a kid in the height department but intellectually speaking, he's the embodiment of evil. 

The loud police sirens were subsequent to the incessant pursuit of a wanted criminal. It woke the sleeping neighborhood to indefinite complaints. 

Kokichi limped his way out of the road of death, he was shot on the leg. Is it a shoot to kill or shoot to subdue? But whatever it is, it's very painful! 

And the fact that he is now absconding with a scooter that is by the way, stolen, proved his desperation for freedom.

He can't afford to get apprehended because he knows his crimes are piling up and unpardonable. It would amount to a lifetime imprisonment. 

Still, it's a wonder why of all wanted criminals… It was unfortunately him who's in pursuit.

There are far more atrocious lawbreakers, mostly composed of killers and the likes that commit borderline evil. Kokichi pales in comparison, he's an understatement of what it means to be in the wanted list. 

Kokichi muttered a curse, it was a dumb move to flee without aiding to his wounded leg. It left a track that will obviously bring him down, he was exceptional in navigation, even to a journey through narrow streets but Japan can't be underrated. 

There are cameras patrolling every street in Japan, although… It was inconspicuous but despite this, Kokichi was hardly caught on footage. It was due to the fact that he held knowledge on their whereabouts but honestly, it's kinda useless, considering that this is Kokichi we're talking about. 

In a snap of a finger, he can eradicate all traces of incriminating evidence. If only it wasn't for that clever detective, he wouldn't make it to the list. They were already part of that list, it was their organization's name but not his! 

He gritted his teeth in sheer agony when the adrenaline rush dwindled, he could no longer feel the need to escape when pain toppled all logic. He halted the scooter and collapsed before he could completely get off.

He pushed his head to the side and breathed, his eyes were clouded with dishonorable tears. It's unsuited for a supposedly vicious guy like him but now, looking at his plight… no longer the evil Supreme Leader, it's just a wounded animal trying to survive. 

And his way of survival is pathetically crying. 

He was hopeless, not that he's hopeful to begin with… if you're looking for hope, he's the wrong one. The right one holding that hope is frowning at the aforementioned sight. 

He was simply out to fetch himself some medicine for his indefinite cold but to see a shambolic death was not expected. 

He was diagnosed as inhumane, he is foreign to the word, “empathy,”--with that being said, how could he meddle? 

I might as well stay true to their words. 

“Nothing out of the ordinary,” Unmoved,  he nonchalantly shrugged and began to walk out of the scene; he wanted no part of but a hand clutched his right leg, interrupting the completion of cold abandonment. 

“Get it off,” His usual sedative voice was wrathful on this specific night. He wiggled his leg but Kokichi persisted. 

Kokichi let out a rasping laughter of astonishment as soon as he identified the speaker, it was none other than Nagito Komaeda. Such absurd interaction truly does exist, the world must have hated him. 

“You won't even help me? I thought, you value worthy lives?” 

Nagito scowled, it doesn't matter if the person clinging to him is an Ultimate, a symbol of hope that he overlong reveres when nausea swallows his professed admiration.

One touch was enough to flip his switch, “Are you worthy?”

Kokichi was rendered speechless, his mouth was parted but there was no spurt of whining. In normal days, he should be voicing out complaints like the child that he proves to be and yet, there was none. 

Nagito continued, “I don't value you and never will. Hope overlooked your existence, I should do the same… I'm only devoted to those who hold significant purpose and you don't. Now, will you let me go?”

Kokichi smirked, Nagito is a submissive man who cares solely for others, someone who would willingly bow down and be conquered so long as it is for hope but to see a heartless man? This is interesting.

"Is this the real you? You would normally just heed with no question ask, like the obedient dog that you are... so what's this?"

Nagito insensitively kicked Kokichi's abdomen, “There's no real me, I just couldn't stand being touched…” and recoiled, his face crumpled with nausea. 

Even amidst the harrowing pain, Kokichi was unsparing… Well, it's not like Nagito was any different. “Still not done with that ludicrous trauma?” 

“Even a piece of scum like me is susceptible to trauma. I guess despair has a questionable taste.” 

Kokichi could only roll his eyes as he relaxed himself on the ground, his aggravated eyes glared at the paper bag Nagito's holding, “I heard you're sick…” 

“It's nothing I never had before, no need to concern yourself,”

“Concern?” He sneered, “You could have told me earlier! I wasted so much time when it's a dream to watch you suffer!”

He crossed his arms, “We should watch each other, then.” 

“Wow, you're a hope fanatic before and now, a voyeur? How could I get in wild action when I'm injured? You don't want blood splatters on the bed, right?”

“In your current state, that'll be necrophilia.”

Kokichi shuddered, “I don't want my body defiled… if it was Miu, I doubt she'd care… as long as she gets laid! So if you're planning to be a killer, you should go for Miu.”

“I'm not going for anyone… nor do I plan to kill in cold blood but would neglecting a dying person makes you an indirect murderer?”

“I don't know, you tell me once I'm dead… wait! I can't die… no! This is a small wound, it's not life-threatening, is it!?”

Nagito looked down on him, his eyes scanning his present state, "You are shot," He spoke, stating the obvious. Kokichi could only bear the need to deliver sarcasm because the need to be treated is much significant than his antics.

"I was running away from the cops,"

"You always do. Sooner or later, all your crimes would come down and hit you at once."

"Didn't it already?" Kokichi recalled, his purple eyes directed at Nagito's.

"Karma already found me and now, he's here again..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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