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Kenzies pov

I get inside "MOM" "yes"she said walking in the room "can I go to a friend's house" "uhm sure"
"Ok thanks" ugh I don't have heathers number I just call Dustin hopefully he is home I get to the phone and dial his number 123-456-7890 I say trying to remember it rang a couple times before someone answered

K: hello this is Kenzie is Dustin home

Dmom: yes he is one second

D: hey ma I was just about to call you glad to see your worried about me

K: yes and no

D: huh

K: yes I was really worried but I also need heathers number

D: oh so are you going to Miranda's then

K: yeah my mom said yes I wish you were going

D: who said I wasn't

K: you and Brandt

D: yeah well there is this really amazing girl going so I changed my mind

K: thank you dusty

D: oh I'm so sorry to confuse you I meant heather

K: so funny I forgot to laugh

D: I know you are cackling right know

K: you wish

D: see you tonight ma


D: 123-456-7890 bye ma

K: bye dusty

I call heather

K: can I talk to Heather

H: this is she who is this

K: Kenzie

H: oh hey are you going

K: yes I am going

H: cool Ill pick you up

K: bye

H: bye
                      A couple hours later

Ring ring ring

Ugh I'll go get it

K: hello this is the kone residence this is Mackenzie speaking how may I help you

D: wow ma I didn't know you even went by Mackenzie

K: I don't what did you want Dustin

D: wow government names I see Mackenzie


D: anyways I called to say I can't go to Mirandas tonight

K: aw why

D: my mom needs help at the house

K: ok see you at school

D: yup bye ma

K: bye Dustin

I hang up before he can retaliate


Hey hey hey that's that what will go down at Mirandas we will see

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