part 15

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Kenzies pov

"GET UP FOR SCHOOL RIGHT NOW YOUR GONNA BE LATE" I heard my mom scream at me "ok ok I'm up"
"You usually don't sleep in this late what happened" it's kinda hard to tell my mom I slept in cus she kept fighting with my dad but it's whatever
"I don't know I'll try to get more sleep tomorrow" "ok now get ready"  my mom leaves my room to wake up Anna I take this as my time to shower
My outfit

"GET UP FOR SCHOOL RIGHT NOW YOUR GONNA BE LATE" I heard my mom scream at me "ok ok I'm up""You usually don't sleep in this late what happened" it's kinda hard to tell my mom I slept in cus she kept fighting with my dad but it's whatever "I don't ...

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I grab breakfast and my bag and run out the door to get shotgun
First we get maya and shuji
Then Sam now on our way

We get to school

"Have a good day" my mom says "I will love you bye" I say while Anna complains that our mom is embarrassing her while I think it's nice that our mom said that but o well I see heather at the door so I walk up to her "Heyyy heather" "omg I was looking for you" she says I can tell something happened "what happened" I say "Alex kissed another girl" oh this girl and her Alex troubles " NO didn't y'all just break up" I say cus even if I don't care she is my best friend and she cares so it's my life goal to make her happy "I kNow that's what I said when Connie told me" it was Connie I don't really like her nor trust her "I'm so sorry" "it's ok"  to take her mind of things I'll ask "how was Miranda's sleepover" " it was good boring after you left tho" "oh" we walk in school to go to our lockers I guess I wasn't as late as I thought cus I still had all this time we get to my locker and maya and Anna are at there's wich means there gonna be annoying UGH i walk up to them "still obsessing over a guy you can't have" mayas says "you mean the one who doesn't want you" I say as I open my locker "he does want her he's just" " just what embarrassed" I know that was mean but I was so annoyed " no I was gonna say scared she'll reject him" Anna says "ok sure that's why"
I start to walk down the hallway when I bump into someone "I'm so sorry" we say at the same time "hi I'm Mackenzie" I say "hi I'm Kayla and I'm so sorry" "it's ok maybe we can hang out sometime" "sure" after that we went different ways and I bump into someone aGAIN "I'm so sorry" "no need to be sorry ma" oh it's Dustin "hi Dustin" " damn back with the government names I see Mackenzie" "NO I WAS JUST PLAYIN DUSTY" "ok ok chill ma wanna walk to  class" " sure"


Hey hey hey sorry for being afk for so long but I'm back with a trash chapter but whatever peace out homies

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