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Kenzie pov

I was just standing behind Anna who's behind maya who's in front of Brandt who's in front of Dustin who's next to Alex. All I was thinking about was how I wish I didn't tell my mom I would walk home ughhh it's not a long walk but still my thoughts were interrupted shocker there but it was Maya and Brandt's "fight" it's so stupid anyway "sup" Maya whispered "sup?" Brandt said

(I'm gonna write it a little different tell me if you like it if not I go back to the first one ether way I don't mind ok back to the story)

This is so stupid I would leave if I didn't think it was kinda funny "midget" Maya said "what are you doing" he said then she said midget like five more times then oh thank the Lord she said something else "you got an aardvark" " I I have a dog" " he has a dog" Maya whispered to Anna "your a piece of shit" Anna said I was completely not only laughing flabbergasted at my sister's actions "oh damn you gonna take that" Dustin said I looked at him I was picking up what he was putting down "see personally I wouldn't take that" I say " midget piece of shit yeah you midget piece of shit you gonna take that" " you gonna take that" Anna said "you gonna take that " Maya said once again this is where it went down hill "yeah you midget piece of shit you got an aardvark dick and that's why your dad died ohh" Maya said and it got real quiet I stopped laughing and looked at Brandt I felt really bad for him he didn't deserve that it was messed up " what is wrong with you" I say
"Hey Brandt you ok can't believe you'd bring up his dad" Dustin


Hey hey hey I hope this was good

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