7 Minutes In Heaven! (Naruto Style) -Gaara

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You were at Naruto's party playing seven minutes in heaven, it was was the first time he has chosen to play this game, but you knew the rules and regulations of it. You were overly excited when you saw how many people actually turned up, all of your academy friends, gaara and his siblings, plus all of the akatsuki arrive! That meant there were alot of outcomes and a chance to mingle with new people. The akatsuki were trying to kidnap Naruto, but the leader, pein, agreed to Naruto's truce. They'd leave him alone on Saturdays, and in return, Naruto now invited them over for his little partys he held. It wasn't his house. He had hired it. But they didn't know that, and they didn't need to.

You were so eager when Naruto came to you with the 'amazing hat of wonders', you beamed as you threw you hand in the cap and spun it around to cause suspence for a few seconds before-"Bam! Red card that-" Naruto covered up your mouth and hastily shoved you into the closet, you were stood grinning at the door way waiting for whoever the guy was to enter. When the door opened you laughed, you had gaara, and you really liked Gaara. "____-san you cheat!" Naruto screamed at you, just before you slammed the door shut.

You weren't sure whether it would be the right time or not to tell Gaara about your feelings towards him, you were good friends, but not bestfriends. You two talked, but never really had much to say. However you both trusted eachother, which was the main thing you cared about. Personally, eventhough you were generally all bubbly and outgoing,you found it difficult to trust people. Gaara easily earned your trust, he was so calm and level headed, and most certainly didn't gossip about anything. You felt as if you could open up to him about anything, and often you did. Usually he didn't have much to answer but whatever he said helped you somehow. 

'What the hell? You only get one chance so make it count right?' You thought to yourself.

Gaara had leaned himself against a wall at the end of the closet with his arms folded and his eyes shut. It was obvious he had no intention of playing the game. But you didn't care.

"Gaara, I have something to tell you." You could feel your cheeks heating up, and butterflies begin to fly around in your gut. 

He looked up at you finally. He didn't look to pleased though,"What?" He asked in a grouchy tone. 

"I like you, alot, and I was wondering, do you-do you like me back?" Suddenly a wave of timidness ran through and you almost felt embarrassed. 

Gaara, didn't answer you for about 2 minutes, he didn't move and neither did you. It was awkward. You didn't dare ask him again, because you knew he heard you. You assumed that, he was either taking his time to take in what you said and find a reply, or whether to say he didn't like you back.

"No. No, I don't like you ____. Why would you think I like you-" You shook your head knowing it was too good too be true anyway. The kazekage of the Village hidden in the sand, and you, some random, hyper and annoying girl from the village hidden in the leaves. You wasted no time in thoughts or any other distractions and left. Away from Gaara. Away from the party. Away from everyone. You started to head home. Crying silently, for the first time since the Hokage died. Gaara had suddenly changed towards you. Maybe he was still confused about his emotions, but even still, there was no need for the way he answered you. You had done nothing wrong to him. You stopped walking and turned around when you felt the presence of someone else watching you. Following you. 

It was Gaara. You rolled your eyes and carried on walking. You had nothing more to say to him that night. You decided you'd talk it out in the morning. Slowly, you realised that you weren't going anywhere, and that you were actually moving closer to Gaara. He was using sand below your feet. You always loved how he controlled his sand, it was always so perfect and he could do whatever he desired with it.

"What do you want Gaara?" You muttered not looking up. He put his finger tips beneath your tips so you were looking directly into his overwhelmingly heart stopping blue eyes.

"To tell you what I was supposed to tell you back in the closet. Before you walked out on me mid-sentence." He seemed a little irritated at that," I don't like you, I-well, I love you ____, and I would like it if you would be my girlfriend." You wiped your eyes, which happened to still be pouring with tears and grinned at Gaara.

"Yes! I would love to!" You squealed and wrapped your arms around his neck for tight, long kiss.

In the near future, You two don't have any kids...yet. But you will.

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