7 Minutes In Heaven! (Naruto Style) -Lee

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You and Sasuke were talking at Naruto's giant sleep over during a game of 7 minutes in heaven, when Lee so rudely interupted you,"____ I find it so intriguing how Sasuke talks to hardly anyone but you. How do you do it?"

You grinned,"It's a secret."

You weren't too sure yourself as to why you and Sasuke had such a good relationship, especially since he didn't like most girls he met and even if he did he didnt speak to them as often as he did to you. A majority of the girls didn't like you for being so close to Sasuke and never sharing any of his secrets with them.

You and Rock Lee, were friends, but more like awkward friends, a couple weeks ago Lee had asked you to be his girlfriend, but you friend-zoned him, something you really regretted. He had been trying his hardest to impress you, going out of his way and doing even the stupidest things to get your attention. It seemed his determined mind had won you over, because slowly you were falling for his cheesy charm, as well as his looks. Inside, you hoped you got Lee, you hoped he would kiss you and ask you to be his girlfriend. And that time, you'd say yes. Definitely.

Then your turn came up.

"____-San! Pick any paper out of the hat, but look away." You looked behind you a rumaged through the papers and isolating the rest, you took the one by itself that turned out to be a dark green piece of paper with nothing but a thick, black, thumb print on it.

"Into the closet you go _____. No cheating!" Warned Sakura whilst tying a blindfold tightly around your head, she lead you in and then slammed the door shut,"I'm sending in your guy now! When the door closes you may take off your blindfold and your 7 minutes will start," she announced.

You headed straight to the back of the room dragging your feet along the floor to make sure you didnt fall and injure yourself. You leaned against the wall casually, bearing in mind that you were still blindfolded, the door opened and then closed.

"Who's that?" You asked taking off your blindfold and placing it on one of the shelves beside to you, you held your breath in anxiety.

"It is Lee."

You exhaled, heavily, and relived."Oh, Lee! Hey, what a pleasant surprise!"

"You don't have to kiss me. I understand that we are just friends," he stated slowly. You couldn't see well in the dim lighting, but you knew by the tone in his voice, that he was sad.

You approached Lee, and took his hands in yours, you two were looking directly into eachothers eyes. You could feel his cool breath brushing past your warm forehead. He was a good four or five inches taller than you.

Neither of you said anything, nothing needed to be said. You both knew just what to do and you did; you both leaned in. And then, it happened. The thing you both hoped for, happened. You kissed, and the both of you loved it. It was slow and steady, no tongues, no pulling each others hair. Just calm. When you finally pulled away for air from your own nose, you realised your face felt incredibly warm, and you assumed you were blushing a deep shade of red.

Lee pulled you randomly into a tight hug and sighed,"_____-Chan. I've loved you from the day I first met you, when you said you didn't want to date me, I just didnt know what to do. The thought of your beautiful eyes and your perfect face, and your aroma of fresh roses was enough to keep me trying harder and harder to earn your heart. And, well...will you be my girlfriend _____-chan?"

You hugged Lee back tightly,"Yes I will Lee."

"I love you ____."

"I love you too Lee." He kissed you softly on the forehead before the door flew open. Everyone watched in awe as you both walked out, hand in hand, both grinning like you had just finished watching a comedy.

You spent the night resting on Lee's lap and playing with his cotton soft black hair.

In the future you don't have any kids as of yet, because you're too busy. But you will ;)

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