7 Minutes In Heaven! (Naruto Style) -Deidara

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You jumped up as Naruto shoved a hat with coloured cards in your face. You were deep in your thoughts. Still in shock of your news of Jiraiya's death. He was like the father you never knew, and he had help support you and your mom practically since you were born. Naruto was having one of his usual weekend parties, maybe trying to get his head the whole situation also. Jiraiya had also brought you and Naruto closer from the day he began to train him and take interest in him.

You pulled out a yellow card with a cute bird drawn neatly onto it. "Card with cute birdie!!" You held the card up and eyed all of the guys suspiciously.

"No, you go into the closet first, then, the mystery guy goes in after." Naruto led you into the closet and you could've swore you fell over everything! You laid there for a few seconds, slowing deciding to stand up before you match came in and saw you looking like an idiot. You heard the door open then quickly close again. You didn't look though, you were too preoccupied removing all the wires from around you ankles, and the lights were still off, making it a whole lot difficult.

"You guys have 7 minutes!"

You heard the voice sigh and lean against the wall not too far from you. Why didn't he help you up? Or turn the lights on? It was pitch black.

"Why haven't you gotten up yet?" It was deidara. You have had a crush on him for about 5 months, but didn't tell anybody because you were too embarrased, and you were too scared to think what people from your village, or your friends would say, afterall, he was a world class criminal. You were a ninja from the _______ village, and he was a member of the akatsuki. Wholly unacceptable and your family would probably disown you. You couldn't risk losing her.

"De-deidara?" You stuttered not knowing what else to really say.

"I'd help you up but I cant really see." He muttered from the other side of the closet.

"There's uh, there's a switch for lights, next to the door." You informed him still sat on the floor. He flicked on the lights and smiled at you. You couldn't help blush at his cute smile, and the awfully embarrassing state you were in. He still didn't seem to help you though. Eventually you managed to untangle yourself from the wires it took a couple of minutes, it was as if they had tied themselves around your ankles purposefully, and didn't want to let go. Once stood up there a box and you sat on it, Deidara sat next to you.

"I never got your name." He stated looking directly at you. You had always found it difficult to keep eye contact, however with Deidara, his eyes seemed to lock you in. You couldn't look anywhere else apart from at him.

"It's-it's _____." You told him. Once again your cheeks began to heat up when you realised that he actually might've been interested in you.

"Well, ______. You're the most beautiful piece of art I've ever seen." This time you had to look away, looking down towards your knees and letting your hair fall beside your face so he no longer had a view of it,"I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you feel embarrassed, but you're perfect."

"Yeah, uh, it's fine." You got to thinking, maybe you two shouldn't kiss this time around, you didn't at all know eachother. But if he kissed you that would be fine. It would be frickin amazing! "You know, if you don't want to, you don't have to kiss me."

You heard him chuckle beside you,"Well, maybe I do want to kiss you. What would you say?" Your head snapped up to look at him. He was smirking at you. Was he being serious? Or was he just messing around with you?

"Well, I'd say, 'are you serious?"

"I'd say that I am."

"I'd say good."

Deidara nodded,"Good." Then he did it. He kissed you. You had never felt so many butterflies in your stomach, yet felt so relaxed and calm. It just flowed, like you two were made perfectly for eachother. It felt like a dream, but felt so real. When you ended the kiss Deidara had a satisfied look on his face. Then a serious one came up,"_____, this may seem ridiculously too fast, or even crazy but, I love you. You're perfect in everyway."

You didn't know what to say. What could you say? Only one thing seemed to buzz around in your mind. He was akatsuki member. It was forbidden to be in a relationship of any sort with an Akatsuki member,"But Deidara, you're an Akatsuki member. My mom would kill me." Was all you managed to say to him. Not as an excuse. But as a point. And a very good one too.

"I'll give up my place in the Akatsuki to be with you. Just say you love me back." He seemed desperate. Yearning.

"Then, Deidara, I love you too." You hugged him as he planted a firm kiss on your forehead. How you were going to explain this to your mom in a way that she would understand, you had no idea. But no one was going to separate you and Deidara from one another. You loved eachother and that was all. Others opinions didn't matter.

Naruto opened the door and looked at us sheepishly,"Forgot to time you guys, so yeaaah, sorry."

I shook my head and giggled as me and Deidara left hand in hand. We were given strange looks, both from your friends and the Akatsuki members. But as you said. You didn't care about anyone else's opinion.

In the future, you got married and had two daughters called Tama (meaning: Whole/Perfect), and Natsu (meaning: Born In Summer). (I get that Natsu is from Fairy Tail, but can y'all please stop commenting it! I get a notification about a new comment on this and 80% of the time, it's about Natsu 😩 I didn't even know who she was when I wrote this omg)

You had a happy relationship for the rest of your lives.

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