[C H A P T E R T W O]

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Shameless promotion: I have a new on-going story: Better, Best, and Byun Baekhyun~

[C H A P T E R T W O]

I wish I'll not regret something in the future, again.

"How about you are you single?" I returned the question to him.

"Yes. But I'm currently looking up for someone." He smiled.

"May I know his name?"

"Do Kyungsoo. You don't know him right?" He asked. I think for a second and nodded. I don't know who Do Kyungsoo is.

He pointed at Chanyeol's Table and says that the man with doe eyes is Do Kyungsoo. So, Kyungsoo is one of Chanyeol's friends.  He has many friends. They are nine, I think.

"Why don't you befriend them?" I asked.

"I don't have the courage to be with that group. They are different level unlike me and you." Chanyeol is my husband though.

"Do you love someone?" He asked, changing the topic.

I looked away. Should I say yes or no? But, if I say yes he would definitely say who it is.


"YOU STUTTERED!" Everyone in the canteen looked at us including Chanyeol's Group.

I feel like all my blood goes up in my face so I turned away ignoring all their eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I just got excited." He is sincere. Yes. But he is grinning widely. 

"So, tell me who he is!" He excitedly says.

"He because I know you're gay for someone." Again, I feel like my bloods goes up again. I covered my face and looked away. He would probably tease me.


Omg Kai I swear I hate you.

They looked at us again. And Kai quietly sat down.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"You're always saying sorry." 

"Sorry. And don't pout again."


"It makes me want to pinch your cheeks. You're so cute."

"You're blushing again." He teases.

"So, going back to our topic who is he?" I rolled eyes he still wants to know it.

"It's you."


For the third time I want the ground to be open and hide there. I looked at Chanyeol he is staring at us. We made too much noise. I made him mad again. Sighs.

"Why are you sighing? Why do you have a crush on me?"

"It's none of your business. And I'm just joking! I love someone but it's not you!" I shouted at him with a low voice.

"Then tell me who."

I showed him my I.D. Best friends mean no secrets to each other, right? And I need someone to advise me.

"Park? I thought you're Byun?"

"I'm married."

Being a Park [ ChanBaek | BaekYeol ]Where stories live. Discover now