[C H A P T E R T W E N T Y E I G H T]

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Shameless promotion: I have a new on-going story: Better, Best, and Byun Baekhyun~

[C H A P T E R T W E N T Y E I G H T]

How deep your cuts do you want to be in my heart?

How deep is your love for me?

Was it enough to erase all the pain you have given me?

Were you aware that you're hurting me?

Were you even aware that I love you?

Baekhyun started to walk away after that, he then removes the mask that he wore and started to be sad. He doesn't know what he is doing anymore.

Baekhyun is not, will not and never plan to have a revenge on his husband, Chanyeol. He just wants to protect his self from danger and maybe a test. Test to know if Chanyeol does really love him.

Baekhyun doesn't need to use someone. He doesn't need to be someone he's not. Baekhyun himself is enough; he just needs to stay firm and concentrated.

He wants to know how long Chanyeol can bear. If he really loves him, prove it. It's his time to be the 'hard to get' kind of guy.

Chanyeol should learn his lesson while Baekhyun would free his self from Chanyeol for a while. He wants to be healed so if he comes back, he's ready to accept Chanyeol again— ready to be hurt again.

Maybe they could be mature as he gives space to him.

Would Chanyeol be free as in free as Baekhyun shuts him away or will use the chance to get his heart?

He then remembered a line from the movie he just watched,

"I'll love you more even if it hurts and I'll love you more when it hurts."

"Hey Byun... How are you doing?" Kai hesitantly asked. He is not sure if it's right to follow and talk to Baekhyun at the moment but he has this best friend instinct so he did.

"I'm fine Kai and don't act like we haven't met a while ago."

"You called me Kai..." Kai muttered, it gives him an odd feeling. Now he's sure something's up and he's willing to do anything just to know it.

"What's wrong about it?" Baekhyun rolled his eyes and started to caress his tummy.

Kai sighed and didn't speak for a moment. Baekhyun started to be scared but he doesn't show it— stay firm. He just waits for him to talk.

"Now fucking drop that shitty façade because I left my Kyungsoo worried for you and I'm not gonna leave until you fucking tell me what the fuck is going on." Kai started to be mad, he's losing his patience and he doesn't want Baekhyun to be the reason of it.

"Then I'll be leaving, I guess? See you around."

Baekhyun stood up but Kai grip his arms tight, Baekhyun wanted to complain but chose to remain silent.

"If you left me clueless I'm telling you, I would ignore you like you don't exist." Kai stated coldly. Baekhyun knows that it is true but he doesn't want to involve someone on his shitty decisions.

"I'm just wishing that by doing those you'll not hurt someone and yourself more."

Kai was the one who left and Baekhyun again, removed his mask.

He curled up and sat on the cold floor. He's confused if what he's doing is right... Nothing feels right anymore...

"What have I done?"

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