nOt An UpDaTe!¡!¡

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T H I S  I S  N O T  A N  U P D A T E ! ! !

February 14, 2018


The purpose of this message is to appreciate those readers who have been asking my permission to allow them to translate my story using their own language. I deeply (deeply, deeply) appreciate it! However, I am politely saying no because of the following reasons:

1. The story is far from being called completed.
2. It is somewhat poorly written; it needs revisions.
3. I am undeniably inactive.

There was a time wherein the readers were requesting the translator to make an update and continue the story using her own idea, I don't want conflicts to happen again. I can't just force myself to write an update for everyone's convenience. This story is not a school work, therefore, the deadline is not specifically known.

PS: Happy 14th hahahahaha. All the love, all good things.


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