[C H A P T E R T E N]

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Shameless promotion: I have a new on-going story: Better, Best, and Byun Baekhyun~

[C H A P T E R T E N]

I woke up late and I don't want to get myself ready for school because I don't feel like going. It will just give me pain. But, I don't want to show Chanyeol that I'm affected. I want him to feel that I don't care at all.

I took a bath and fix myself, I wore some nice clothes and today I feel like wearing eyeliner. I don't usually use it but now I want to.

When I reached our school students started to look stare at me. Is there something wrong in my face? Outfit? What?

I'm not really really not that late, Late to cook breakfast and late for not seeing Chanyeol leave in our house.

I headed to my locker to get my books and saw Kai.

"Where's Kyungsoo?" I started the conversation.

"He is in the--- Wow! You look so different today!" So that's why people were staring at me? Does the eyeliner do not look great in my eyes?

"Is it bad?" I asked feeling shameful.

"NO! It suits you! You should wear it every day especially when we dance in the—oh you're still not agreeing yet."

"At least I did not say no. Thank you anyway." I smiled at him with full of charms because I want to be okay. I need to be okay. And I'm thankful that Kai did not ask about Chanyeol.

We walked together and when we reached our room, again people started to stare at me. I walked with my heads down because it's embarrassing. Who wants attention anyway?

I saw Chanyeol looking at me for seconds and look to his seatmate—Dara. Ouch.

"Students love your look today too~" Kai teased that made me blush.

"Why did you two walked together?" Kyungsoo is sitting beside Kai.

"Nothing's wrong with it." Kai answered.

"Oh yes nothing is wrong with it. You walked together but we didn't. Nothing's really wrong with it." Oh. Lover's Quarrel again...

I did not listen to their whole conversation because I feel like I must not.


"Why is he not eating with us? Or Why is he eating with Dara isn't you two married already?" Tao asked with full of curiosity sounding a bit irritated.

Lunch [again] came and Chanyeol sat with Dara. They looked so perfect together. I really don't want to be jealous. I don't have the rights to be.

"Did you two fight?" Luhan asked.

"No, we didn't. Dara just came and I think they need time to be together." They stopped eating and looked at me with a shock expression. What did I do?

"You let your husband have a bonding time with his ex?"

"Yes that's how stupid he is." Kyungsoo answered Xiumin's question.

"Soo!" Kai said. It's true. I am stupid.

"What's wrong with it? Maybe Chanyeol is just making a closure between him and Dara." Sehun said. Yeah. A closure it is.

"By the way, Baekhyun you look so blooming today despite the fact that you and Chanyeol are not okay. That's what I think though." Chen said that made me looked down.

Everyone agreed to what Chen said. I said nothing with it and just continue eating. What would I say?

"HAHAHAHAHA YOU'RE SO CUTE!" Everyone in the cafeteria stopped eating and looked at Chanyeol and Dara. How could you not hear that deep voice?

"They are acting so sweet. If I don't know that you two were married I would think that they broke up already and I think that what's everyone is thinking in this place."

They really not broke up is what I want to say to Luhan.

"Haha." Is what I say.


"Chanyeol, Baek is going home you're not coming with him?" I stopped doing my thing when Suho asked Chanyeol. Of course he's not going to say yes.

He shook his head and started walking away. I try my best not to cry... not in front of them.

But I failed not to have teary eyes. Kai patted my shoulder as a mark of 'it's okay to cry'

"Woah wait. He is walking with Dara but he's not walking with you?"  Tao asked with a shock expression.

"Do you know how it feels now Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo asked with no expression at all. Yes. It really hurts me.

I really have to distance myself from him—them. I need to find a new thing that will caught my attention.

I don't want to look desperate. He is happy. She is happy. They are both happy. Who am I to ruin that? I did ruin their relationship once and I don't want to do it again.

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