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ok on with the story😇


Y/N lays in the hotel bed, waiting for her boyfriend, Bill, to come back from his concert. The clock reads 12:48 am, she rests her head on a pillow, as she stares at the ceiling, just thinking about Bill, hoping he'd come home soon. As she gets lost in thought, the sudden noise of the unlocking and opening of the door catches her attention, and she whips her head towards the door. Bill enters and shuts the door. Y/n immediately gets up, and greets him.

"Bill!!! Hi my love! How was the concert?" she asks and gives him a big hug.

"Hello, mein schatz.." Bill says, and kisses her head gently. "The concert was fun, the fans were nice."

Y/n smiles and kisses his cheek before saying,

"Why don't you go on and get cleaned up, my dear? I know you're tired, it's been a long night"

Bill nods.

"Take your time, love, no rush" Y/n says, and gives him a small smile. She sits back on the bed and starts thinking once again.

Bill searches through his many bags of clothes and other items, and he finds some pajamas. He walks into the bathroom, and shuts the door behind him. Y/n can hear the shower being turned on, and she smiles.

After a while, Bill walks out of the bathroom and Y/n turns her attention towards him. He's wearing a white t-shirt, dark plaid pajama pants, and some black socks.

Y/n smiles and Bill walks over and sits next to her on the bed. "Tired, love?" Bill asks sweetly, looking at Y/n's sleepy looking face.
Y/n nods and Bill puts an arm around her shoulder, Y/n leans in and rests her head on his shoulder, and Bill kisses the top of her head. Y/n smiles and blushes a little.

"Come on, let's get to bed, love. I know you're tired, and I have another concert tomorrow." Bill says, as he parts from her and gets on his side of the bed, Y/n does the same shortly after.

Y/n turns over and flips the lamp off, and the room goes completely dark. She turns back and Bill pulls her close and kisses her cheek. Y/n smiles and says "Goodnight, my love..."

"I love you" Bill replies, and he pulls her closer, the pair is now as close as they could be to each other, Y/n's head rested on Bill's chest, his arms wrapped around her.

"I love you too..." Y/n says, and she slowly dozes off...

"How could I ever get this lucky...?" Bill whispers to himself, and notices that Y/n is now sleeping. He smiles and kisses her head before falling asleep as well.


Y/n jolts at the sound of the alarm clock, and Bill just wakes up naturally. She groans and Bill laughs a bit.

"Just a few more minutessss pleeaaseee...?" Y/n manages to say, she doesn't want to let go of Bill, as well as get out of bed.

"No more time to sleep, we have to get up for the concert, love. Come onnn!!" Bill says. He looks so cute, so how could she say no?

 He looks so cute, so how could she say no?

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Bill Kaulitz x Reader Oneshots!! [discontinued i'm so sorryyyy]Where stories live. Discover now