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A/N: i'm discontinuing this book but i was in the middle of writing another oneshot a while ago so i js decided to post this bc idk ig it'd be wasted effort if i didnt, just know that this oneshot is not completed. i'm so sorry but i literally can't write any type of story bc i js end up losing motivation for it, tysm for the support though. byebye.

Y/N sighs as she looks at herself in her mirror. She was a bit nervous about tonight, because she was going to a huge party with tons of musicians, and singers like herself. Y/N was a new singer, her song having gotten popular just overnight, so here she was, getting ready for a very memorable night. And on top of that, her favorite band, Tokio Hotel, was going! Y/N picked her favorite dress to wear to this very special event:

(creds to pinterest!)
(if you don't like any of these, you can imagine your own fit<3!)

Y/N does her usual routine, but she puts a little more focus into it, and makes sure she looks absolutely stunning, which she never fails to do.

^at the party^

Y/N hesitates a bit to walk in, nerves fill her body, once she gets in, she looks around, tons of celebrities are there and some are even looking at her, which makes her a little more nervous. As she's looking around, she spots Tokio Hotel, her eyes widen and her heart beats faster. 'Oh god... they're right there...' she thinks to herself. She then realizes that she's just standing there, probably making a fool out of herself, so she decides to make her way over to the band. (Why wouldn't she?)

Y/N walks over, her heart pounding with every step she takes. She finally reaches them, and she grabs their attention. The four bandmates look over at her. Bill, being the most talkative out of the group, speaks first. "Hello!" he says in a friendly way, she could hear that amazing German accent. "H-Hi!" Y/N says, her voice sounding a bit shaky. "Oh, is something wrong? You're shaking, dear." Bill says, and Y/N blushes at the sudden nickname. "I-I.. Uhm.. I really like Tokio Hotel and I was wondering if I could maybe get a picture with you guys?" Y/N asks nervously. They all nod and Y/N pulls her phone out, they all get into position and she snaps the picture. "Thank you guys so much!" Y/N hugs the four boys. "Oh, what's your name?" Bill suddenly asks. "Oh! I totally forgot to tell you! I'm Y/N." She says, and the two shake hands.

i love you guys sm but i literallt can't write to save my life, pls help😔

Bill Kaulitz x Reader Oneshots!! [discontinued i'm so sorryyyy]Where stories live. Discover now