- Chapter 14: I am fine -

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- Anna's Pov -

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- Anna's Pov -

I jump slightly when the doors swing open, then collide with the wall, and i watch as dad runs in with his face pale and eyes full of terror. He spots Bella and me sitting on a gurney in the E.R. with the doctor looking into my eyes with a pen light. On the next gurney over the older van driver lies with a mild head wound who looks drunk as hell. I can even smell the alcohol coming of him in waves, which is hurting my nose because it's so strong. Dad rushes up to us while glaring at the driver. I know he can smell what i can thanks to our enhanced sense of smell, and boy, he looks more angry.

"Bells, Anna, Are you girls alright?" Dad asked worriedly he never let's his anger show while talking to us

"All a-okay." I said, giving him a thumbs up

"I'm fine, dad, thanks to Anna." Bella said, looking at me worriedly

"I'm so sorry, I tried to stop." The driver mumbled and slurred

"It's okay." Bella mumbled, not taking her eyes of me

"It sure as hell is not okay." Dad snapped

"Dad, it's not his fault -" Bella started to say

"He is intoxicated, Bella. I nearly lost both of you because of this drunk asshole." Dad said i knew he was holding back a growl and phasing.

"But you didn't." Bella said, trying to calm the situation down

"We are both here, dad. I did want i could to stop it. Now do what we know our badass dad is good at and arrest his drunk ass before i beat his ass up." I said, holding back a growl

He went over to Bella first, where he hugged her tightly, then he over to me and hugged me, but when he pulled away, he looked at me weirdly. When dad heard the doctor giving the driver the all clear dad marched up to the driver and handcuffed him to the bed the driver started to struggle not liking he fact he is now handcuffed to the bed but me and dad just smirked at him.

"You can kiss your license and freedom goodbye." Dad snapped

"I heard the Chief's daughters are here." Carlisle said, walking into the room

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