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hey guys///how are you guys doing?????i just wanna say  atleast cheer me up with some votes and comment..dont be so shy...please dont be silent readers(dramatic gasp)its gaves me pain


its okay to try harder..but dont lose yourself


The road were busy with vehicles..the road filled with different types odf,motorbikes,ets..everyone were running behind their lives..too busy..everyone were too busy...some were going to their work places..students were going to schools..some walking on the footpath.literally everyone were doing their schedules

currently, neji and naruto were on their way to shool..neji is riding his bike meanwhile naruto is sitting on the back..the trees were dancing with the wind..everything seemed so beautiful...

"you know kit?"neji started talking

''you dummy!how am I  supposed to know if you have'nt told me yet?, did something happen?"

neji and naruto shares everything well<> you can say neji shares everything not naruto...however neji believes naru cuz he thinks naruto is saying everything to him..he thinks there is no secrets that he dont know in naruto's heart...

"in a few days some students are transferring into our university"

"oh really?"

"yeah,i heard it from shisui sensei talking to sakumo sensei..well,he said one of those is our old friend sasuke! you remember him?"

there ..right there naruto was breathless..he was paused..he was stucked in his a statue


sasuke coming to neji's uni?..oh crap

"what's wrong kit' neji sounded worried

"no nothing..i hope you two 'll get along again"

"that's possible. .but i wonder if he still remember us? what do you think?" neji asked

'maybe" naru was lost at words.. but he DONT want to panic..atleast not here..afterall he dont need to.. because sasuke is coming to neji's uni..there is no way they can meet.. if he is in this city if their is some coincidence maybe theyy.....NO!NO! There is no way they would it's okay..IT HAVE TO BE OKAY!!!

he sighed in relief

"well ,i was thinking about...what-what about going somewhere at evening?"neji asked all of sudden

oh did he shutter? neji hyuga shuttered?

"i'm in!!!!!"naruto exclaimed and neji smiled not knowing he is pretending.. of course he is!...Naruto....he is a good actor isn't he?

that's when something popped in neji's mind even though it was  fun to was something horrible to naru

without a warning neji increased his speed(i mean the bike don't think anything else:)

due to the impact naruto grabbed neji's waist for the support..

"dumbass!slow down!"naruto screamed

"what if I say no~~"

"we're gonna die!!!"naruto cried

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