chapter 4

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hey guyssssss! how y'all been? all i wanna say is atleast support me guys ,you guys are no fun yaarrrrrrrr

anyway am gonna update.. <3


maybe all you have to do is enjoy the present moment


school time was over since its already 3 pm .students rushed outside of the school like  this place is like hell yeaahhhh..almost like they are running for their dear life....

but seniors slowly walked since they know this will be their last year here.they knew they gonna miss they tried to enjoy the present moment with their precious ones..naru and his friends walked towards the gate  while laughing at random things..those guys had same mindset..even hinata knew how to make the rest laugh..they were the chaotic group in the entire school..

                            naruto ,sai and sakura being the trio of the group walked fast while being followed by the others...

"so naru whats your plan after school?"  sakura asked standing in between her two bestfriends

"ya saku-chan,neji asked me to hangout in the evening" naru smiled as he looked at sakura

"woah? what? why ?where?"

"you are telling this now?seriously naru?and why with him?"

sai and sakura showered him with you know what's the reason behind all of this?being jealous that's all

"oh come on guys why you guys being jealous?Again?" naru sighed as he looked at his besties with wide eyes

"uhmm no its just-" sakura tried to cover up the situation

"its just you havent told us ..thats why " sai said as he crossed his arms

"sorry guys i kinda.....forgot?''

"seriously????????" the pinkette tried to control her anger

"then tomorrow we can hangout together after school?how does that sound?"

naruto's eyes sparkled with the hope, trying to solve the proplem here..with his favourite persons,he acted like a total idiot..whenever he gets comfortable  he gonna act all annoying ..its kind of cute though..when his blue ocean eys sparkles like stars ..oh damn:) ..ahmm.. uhm back to the point

The idiots next to him looked at eachother then to the blond idiot..they smiled at him

"that sounds better" saku cheered

"ya i am gonna look forward to this" sai smiled

"me too" saku and naru shouted in unison as those three laughed along

🎶🎵eye to eye

so alive

we are beautiful like diamond in the sky

shine bright like a diamond

shine bright like a diamond🎶🎵

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