chapter 6

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hey y'all you guys doing? was my I wanted to give you guys a feast ..but couldn't..something or should I say someone came up..and i was lost..i am glad that i am finally and enjoy..but give me some votes and comments as courage..its enough for me<3


nothing will be fine until you let go of the past


The morning usual naruto woke up before the alarm started ringing..he wandered his eyes around the whole room...suddenly he spotted someone laying on the floor.who it was?

He readjusted his eyes by rubbing it..yeahh it was his brother..his lovely brother who leaved the town before two years ago..its been 2 whole years since he went away without telling anyone...even to naruto..
its been so tough since he left but naru somehow figured out how to live alone.naru knew there was some reason behind deidara to leave the town... he couldn't help but hate his own older brother that time


one day suddenly a call came to naruto's phone and it was his brother deidara...naruto cried hardly standing there..and he could also hear deidara weeping sorrowfully actually regretting the decision of leaving his younger brother behind..thats  when the hate for deidara vanished away from naru's heart...

days passed and naru lived with the feeling of emptiness as sasuke also leaved him...deidara was busy that he couldn't even return to his hometown for naru..deidara leaved for his education

and  lived  for the welfare of naru..

he done so many jobs and took care of naru secretly with the help of iruka..he couldnt leave his brother..he also helped neji after all its his cousin and almost like a brother


naruto always wished to go to the cinema with deidara..but couldn't do it..he always call deidara on weekends

" nii san,will you come back on the next weekend?"

And deidara will always say yes but will have to cancel it the last minute breaking naru's heart..naru knew he was busy that deidara even forgot how to smile
naru will repeat the question every weekend or holidays..but deidara couldn't come and see the blondie..and naru stopped asking him when will he come back...somethings are better to not to ask after all

In the last weekend deidara called naru...and naru shared the wish of watching a movie together

"nii san,there is a new movie out there..The little mermaid..i wanted to watch it with you..."

deidara was about to say something but naru cut off him and continued

"its okay nii san..i know you cant come..its really fine..i am going to be fine after all you are busy .i know I can are busy ..busy with your studies that you even forgot you have a brother who you left behind!!!..are you gonna abandon me like mother did?"

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