Other Manifestation Methods

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There are so many manifestation methods. Here are six more.

Two Cup Method:
Get out two cups. Fill one cup and label it with your current situation. Label the empty cup with the situation you hope to manifest. Once you have the cups labeled, reflect for a moment on your current situation and how you will feel once you reach your desired outcome. Holding onto that positive feeling, pour the water from the current situation cup to the desired situation cup. Drink all the water in this desired situation cup, and rip up the label from the current situation cup.
(If you want to read some more about this method, I really like this website https://www.throughthephases.com/two-cup-method-quantum-jumping-theory/)

Vision Board:
Choose vision, choose images to fit vision, interact every day
* Choose vision= choose what you want to manifest.
* Interacting can be staring at it for a five seconds every day, visualize what you are manifesting while staring at it

Letter From Future Self:
Discuss the goals you have accomplished in great detail and how rich your life has become.

Love Letter Method:
Visualize yourself as the person you are trying to manifest. Pretend you are are the person you are trying to manifest and write yourself a love letter from their pov. Go in depth and be in love with yourself. 
Some things to include are:
I would do anything for *your name*
*your name* consumes my thoughts, no one else in my lifetime will compare
i'm so obsessed with *your name*
everyone wants *your name*. everyone needs *your name*. i'll do anything to win her/him over

Whisper Method:
Close your eyes and envision your specific person wherever they would normally be. Envision yourself walking up to them (spirit like) and whispering in their ear 3x what you want them to do. Kiss thier forehead and walk away. Be sure you really visualize, feel, and believe.

The definition of subliminal is existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness. This means subliminals go straight to your unconscious mind. You can find general subliminals on youtube. If you want to make a personalized one, I recommend @lovecherrysubz on instagram. She is amazing!

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